[perldocjp-cvs 629] CVS update: docs/modules/libwww-perl-5.813/HTTP/Request

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argra****@users***** argra****@users*****
2010年 7月 2日 (金) 03:41:17 JST

Index: docs/modules/libwww-perl-5.813/HTTP/Request/Common.pod
diff -u /dev/null docs/modules/libwww-perl-5.813/HTTP/Request/Common.pod:1.1
--- /dev/null	Fri Jul  2 03:41:17 2010
+++ docs/modules/libwww-perl-5.813/HTTP/Request/Common.pod	Fri Jul  2 03:41:17 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+=encoding euc-jp
+=head1 NAME
+=begin original
+HTTP::Request::Common - Construct common HTTP::Request objects
+=end original
+HTTP::Request::Common - 汎用のHTTP::Request オブジェクトの組み立て
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+  use HTTP::Request::Common;
+  $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
+  $ua->request(GET 'http://www.sn.no/');
+  $ua->request(POST 'http://somewhere/foo', [foo => bar, bar => foo]);
+=begin original
+This module provide functions that return newly created C<HTTP::Request>
+objects.  These functions are usually more convenient to use than the
+standard C<HTTP::Request> constructor for the most common requests.  The
+following functions are provided:
+=end original
+このモジュールは新しく作成された C<HTTP::Request> オブジェクトを
+これらの関数はこれらの一般的なリクエストのための標準の C<HTTP::Request>
+=over 4
+=item GET $url
+=item GET $url, Header => Value,...
+=begin original
+The GET() function returns an C<HTTP::Request> object initialized with
+the "GET" method and the specified URL.  It is roughly equivalent to the
+following call
+=end original
+GET() 関数は GET メソッドと指定された URL で初期化された C<HTTP::Request>
+  HTTP::Request->new(
+     GET => $url,
+     HTTP::Headers->new(Header => Value,...),
+  )
+=begin original
+but is less cluttered.  What is different is that a header named
+C<Content> will initialize the content part of the request instead of
+setting a header field.  Note that GET requests should normally not
+have a content, so this hack makes more sense for the PUT() and POST()
+functions described below.
+=end original
+What is different is that a header named
+C<Content> will initialize the content part of the request instead of
+setting a header field.  Note that GET requests should normally not
+have a content, so this hack makes more sense for the PUT() and POST()
+functions described below.
+=begin original
+The get(...) method of C<LWP::UserAgent> exists as a shortcut for
+$ua->request(GET ...).
+=end original
+=item HEAD $url
+=item HEAD $url, Header => Value,...
+=begin original
+Like GET() but the method in the request is "HEAD".
+=end original
+Like GET() but the method in the request is "HEAD".
+=begin original
+The head(...)  method of "LWP::UserAgent" exists as a shortcut for
+$ua->request(HEAD ...).
+=end original
+The head(...)  method of "LWP::UserAgent" exists as a shortcut for
+$ua->request(HEAD ...).
+=item PUT $url
+=item PUT $url, Header => Value,...
+=item PUT $url, Header => Value,..., Content => $content
+=begin original
+Like GET() but the method in the request is "PUT".
+=end original
+Like GET() but the method in the request is "PUT".
+=begin original
+The content of the request can be specified using the "Content"
+pseudo-header.  This steals a bit of the header field namespace as
+there is no way to directly specify a header that is actually called
+"Content".  If you really need this you must update the request
+returned in a separate statement.
+=end original
+The content of the request can be specified using the "Content"
+pseudo-header.  This steals a bit of the header field namespace as
+there is no way to directly specify a header that is actually called
+"Content".  If you really need this you must update the request
+returned in a separate statement.
+=item POST $url
+=item POST $url, Header => Value,...
+=item POST $url, $form_ref, Header => Value,...
+=item POST $url, Header => Value,..., Content => $form_ref
+=item POST $url, Header => Value,..., Content => $content
+=begin original
+This works mostly like PUT() with "POST" as the method, but this
+function also takes a second optional array or hash reference
+parameter $form_ref.  As for PUT() the content can also be specified
+directly using the "Content" pseudo-header, and you may also provide
+the $form_ref this way.
+=end original
+これは "POST" をメソッドとしてほとんど PUT() のように機能します。
+しかしこの関数は 2 番目のオプションの配列またはハッシュリファレンスの
+パラメータ $form_ref を取ります。
+As for PUT() the content can also be specified
+directly using the "Content" pseudo-header, and you may also provide
+the $form_ref this way.
+=begin original
+The $form_ref argument can be used to pass key/value pairs for the
+form content.  By default we will initialize a request using the
+C<application/x-www-form-urlencoded> content type.  This means that
+you can emulate a HTML E<lt>form> POSTing like this:
+=end original
+$form_ref 引数はフォームコンテントのためのキー/値の組を渡すために
+デフォルトでは C<application/x-www-form-urlencoded> コンテントタイプを
+つまり以下のようにして HTML E<lt>form> POSTすることを
+  POST 'http://www.perl.org/survey.cgi',
+       [ name   => 'Gisle Aas',
+         email  => 'gisle****@aas*****',
+         gender => 'M',
+         born   => '1964',
+         perc   => '3%',
+       ];
+=begin original
+This will create a HTTP::Request object that looks like this:
+=end original
+これは以下のような HTTP::Request オブジェクトを作成します:
+  POST http://www.perl.org/survey.cgi
+  Content-Length: 66
+  Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
+  name=Gisle%20Aas&email=gisle%40aas.no&gender=M&born=1964&perc=3%25
+=begin original
+Multivalued form fields can be specified by either repeating the field
+name or by passing the value as an array reference.
+=end original
+Multivalued form fields can be specified by either repeating the field
+name or by passing the value as an array reference.
+=begin original
+The POST method also supports the C<multipart/form-data> content used
+for I<Form-based File Upload> as specified in RFC 1867.  You trigger
+this content format by specifying a content type of C<'form-data'> as
+one of the request headers.  If one of the values in the $form_ref is
+an array reference, then it is treated as a file part specification
+with the following interpretation:
+=end original
+POST メソッドはRFC1867 で示された Form-based File Upload のために使われる
+C<multipart/form-data> コンテントもサポートします。
+リクエストヘッダの一つとして C<'form-data'> のコンテントタイプを
+もし $form_ref の中の値の1つが配列リファレンスであれば、それは以下の解釈で
+  [ $file, $filename, Header => Value... ]
+  [ undef, $filename, Header => Value,..., Content => $content ]
+=begin original
+The first value in the array ($file) is the name of a file to open.
+This file will be read and its content placed in the request.  The
+routine will croak if the file can't be opened.  Use an C<undef> as
+$file value if you want to specify the content directly with a
+C<Content> header.  The $filename is the filename to report in the
+request.  If this value is undefined, then the basename of the $file
+will be used.  You can specify an empty string as $filename if you
+want to suppress sending the filename when you provide a $file value.
+=end original
+配列での先頭の値 ($file) はオープンするファイルの名前です。
+もしファイルをオープンできなければルーチンは croak します。
+コンテントを直接 C<Content> ヘッダで指定したければ $file の値を C<undef> に
+$filename はリクエストで報告されるファイル名です。
+この値が未定義であれば、$file の基本名が使われます。
+$file の値を提供したとき、ファイル名の送信をよくせいしたいなら、
+$filename に空文字列を指定することができます。
+=begin original
+If a $file is provided by no C<Content-Type> header, then C<Content-Type>
+and C<Content-Encoding> will be filled in automatically with the values
+returned by LWP::MediaTypes::guess_media_type()
+=end original
+If a $file is provided by no C<Content-Type> header, then C<Content-Type>
+and C<Content-Encoding> will be filled in automatically with the values
+returned by LWP::MediaTypes::guess_media_type()
+=begin original
+Sending my F<~/.profile> to the survey used as example above can be
+achieved by this:
+=end original
+上記の例として F<~/.profile> を survey に送信することが以下のようにして
+  POST 'http://www.perl.org/survey.cgi',
+       Content_Type => 'form-data',
+       Content      => [ name  => 'Gisle Aas',
+                         email => 'gisle****@aas*****',
+                         gender => 'M',
+                         born   => '1964',
+                         init   => ["$ENV{HOME}/.profile"],
+                       ]
+=begin original
+This will create a HTTP::Request object that almost looks this (the
+boundary and the content of your F<~/.profile> is likely to be
+=end original
+これはおおむね以下のような HTTP::Request オブジェクトを作成します
+(バウンダリと F<~/.profile> の中身は違っていることでしょう):
+  POST http://www.perl.org/survey.cgi
+  Content-Length: 388
+  Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary="6G+f"
+  --6G+f
+  Content-Disposition: form-data; name="name"
+  Gisle Aas
+  --6G+f
+  Content-Disposition: form-data; name="email"
+  gisle****@aas*****
+  --6G+f
+  Content-Disposition: form-data; name="gender"
+  M
+  --6G+f
+  Content-Disposition: form-data; name="born"
+  1964
+  --6G+f
+  Content-Disposition: form-data; name="init"; filename=".profile"
+  Content-Type: text/plain
+  PATH=/local/perl/bin:$PATH
+  export PATH
+  --6G+f--
+=begin original
+If you set the $DYNAMIC_FILE_UPLOAD variable (exportable) to some TRUE
+value, then you get back a request object with a subroutine closure as
+the content attribute.  This subroutine will read the content of any
+files on demand and return it in suitable chunks.  This allow you to
+upload arbitrary big files without using lots of memory.  You can even
+upload infinite files like F</dev/audio> if you wish; however, if
+the file is not a plain file, there will be no Content-Length header
+defined for the request.  Not all servers (or server
+applications) like this.  Also, if the file(s) change in size between
+the time the Content-Length is calculated and the time that the last
+chunk is delivered, the subroutine will C<Croak>.
+=end original
+(エクスポート可能な) $DYNAMIC_FILE 変数を TRUE に設定すると、content 属性として
+お望みであれば F</dev/audio> のような無限大のファイルを
+アップロードすることすら可能です; しかし、ファイルが普通のファイルでない場合、
+リクエストのために定義された Content-Length ヘッダがありません。
+Also, if the file(s) change in size between
+the time the Content-Length is calculated and the time that the last
+chunk is delivered, the subroutine will C<Croak>.
+=begin original
+The post(...)  method of "LWP::UserAgent" exists as a shortcut for
+$ua->request(POST ...).
+=end original
+The post(...)  method of "LWP::UserAgent" exists as a shortcut for
+$ua->request(POST ...).
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<HTTP::Request>, L<LWP::UserAgent>
+Copyright 1997-2004, Gisle Aas
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=begin meta
+Translated: Hippo2000 <GCD00****@nifty*****> (5.48)
+Updated: Kentaro SHIRAKATA <argra****@ub32*****> (5.813)
+=end meta

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