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Descripción del Proyecto

Yeemp is a decentralized instant messaging system.
It uses GPG over SSL for encryption, and UTF-8 to
enable non-Latin text to be transferred. The X
client can request and receive webcam feeds. The
clients include support for Japanese, Cyrillic,
and Ogham input, as well as direct UTF-8. Yeemp
includes a command-line client, an X client, a
server, and a simple Web-based client. The clients
can also use the AIM and ICQ protocols.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2005-02-24 10:17 Back to release list

Un error que se estrellara el cliente de X cuando se trató de la palabra los mensajes de envoltura que contiene, especialmente las líneas de largo fue corregido. El editor de consola contacto ahora se comporta mejor. Algunos errores cosméticos fueron fijadas en la pantalla de estado de contacto. El estado de un contacto está ahora marcado como desconocido si el plugin para su protocolo está deshabilitada. Algunos otros bugs de menor importancia eran fijos.
Tags: Major bugfixes
A bug that would crash the X client when it attempted to word-wrap messages containing especially long lines was fixed. The console contact editor now behaves better. Some cosmetic bugs were fixed in the contact status display. A contact's status is now marked as unknown if the plugin for their protocol is disabled. Some other minor bugs were fixed.

Project Resources