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Descripción del Proyecto

Widelands is an economic and military simulation game. The map is shown in parallel perspective with 3-dimensional terrain. Buildings and units are animated. The player controls a tribe. Land is claimed and held by military presence and then used to build an economy to support military expansion and confrontation. The project is a work in progress where much remains to be done; computer players and multiplayer are in very early stages of development. Some features that have already been implemented are exploration, fog of war, sound effects, background music, adjustable simulation speed, a few tutorial campaigns, translations to several languages, and a map editor.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2010-05-22 04:05 Back to release list

Esta versión incluye nuevas características de juego: las compañías segundo (burros, bueyes y caballos) se añaden las carreteras más transitadas. Los Scouts pueden revelar una gran área alrededor de su casa. Una parte nuevo escenario ha sido añadido. mapas aleatorios se contienen los recursos, bienes inmuebles, y las criaturas. El mini mapa ahora puede ser ampliada. El sistema de mensajería se ha mejorado. Estadísticas mostrará ahora la razón para que un edificio no está produciendo nada.
This release adds new gameplay features: second carriers (donkeys, oxen, and horses) are added on busy roads. Scouts can reveal a big area around their house. A new scenario part has been added. Random maps will now contain resources, immovables, and critters. The mini map can now be zoomed. The messaging system has been improved. Statistics will now show the reason why a building is not producing anything.

Project Resources