[perldocjp-cvs 1617] CVS update: docs/modules/Sort-Fields-0.90

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argra****@users***** argra****@users*****
2012年 11月 29日 (木) 21:41:32 JST

Index: docs/modules/Sort-Fields-0.90/Fields.pod
diff -u docs/modules/Sort-Fields-0.90/Fields.pod:1.2 docs/modules/Sort-Fields-0.90/Fields.pod:1.3
--- docs/modules/Sort-Fields-0.90/Fields.pod:1.2	Thu Jan 27 22:15:07 2011
+++ docs/modules/Sort-Fields-0.90/Fields.pod	Thu Nov 29 21:41:32 2012
@@ -2,14 +2,16 @@
 =encoding utf8
 =head1 NAME
+=begin original
 Sort::Fields - Sort lines containing delimited fields
+=end original
 Sort::Fields - 区切られたフィールドを持つ行のソート
 =head1 SYNOPSIS
   use Sort::Fields;
   @sorted = fieldsort [3, '2n'], @lines;
@@ -19,35 +21,48 @@
   @sorted = $sort_3_2n->(@lines);
+=begin original
 Sort::Fields provides a general purpose technique for efficiently sorting
 lists of lines that contain data separated into fields.
+=end original
 Sort::Fields はフィールドに分割されるデータを格納している行のリストに対する
+=begin original
 Sort::Fields automatically imports two subroutines, C<fieldsort> and
 C<make_fieldsort>, and two variants, C<stable_fieldsort> and 
 C<make_stable_fieldsort>.  C<make_fieldsort> generates a sorting subroutine
 and returns a reference to it.  C<fieldsort> is a wrapper for
 the C<make_fieldsort> subroutine.
+=end original
 Sort::Fields は2つの関数 C<fieldsort> 及び C<make_fieldsort> と, 
 その変形2つ C<stable_fieldsort> 及び C<make_stable_fieldsort> を
 自動的にインポートします. C<make_fieldsort> はソート関数を生成して
 それへのリファレンスを返します. C<fieldsort> は C<make_fieldsort> 
+=begin original
 The first argument to make_fieldsort is a delimiter string, which is
 used as a regular expression argument for a C<split> operator.  The
 delimiter string is optional.  If it is not supplied, make_fieldsort
 splits each line using C</\s+/>.
+=end original
 make_fieldsort への1つ目の引数は区切り文字列です. これは C<split> に
 渡す正規表現として使われます. 区切り文字列は省略可能です. 
 省略時には make_fieldsort は C</\s+/> を使って各行を分割します.
+=begin original
 The second argument is an array reference containing one or more 
 field specifiers.  The specifiers indicate what fields in the strings
 will be used to sort the data.  The specifier "1" indicates the first
@@ -57,6 +72,8 @@
 append "n" to the specifier.  A specifier of "0" means the entire
 string ("-0" means the entire string, in reverse order).
+=end original
 "1" が最初のフィールド, "2" が2つ目のフィールドです. 負の数の指定, 
@@ -65,38 +82,55 @@
 します. 指定子 "0" は文字列全体を意味します. そして "-0" は文字列全体の
+=begin original
 The order in which the specifiers appear is the order in which they
 will be used to sort the data.  The primary key is first, the secondary
 key is second, and so on.
+=end original
 指定子の指定順がデータのソートに使う順になります. 主キーが1番目, 
+=begin original
 C<fieldsort [1, 2], @data> is roughly equivalent to
 C<make_fieldsort([1, 2])-E<gt>(@data)>.  Avoid calling fieldsort repeatedly
 with the same sort specifiers.  If you need to use a particular
 sort more than once, it is more efficient to call C<make_fieldsort>
 once and reuse the subroutine it returns.
+=end original
 C<fieldsort [1, 2], @data> は C<make_fieldsort([1, 2])-E<gt>(@data)> 
 と大体等価です. fieldsort を呼ぶ場合だと, 同じソート指定で繰り返し
 呼び出しに手間がかかる程度です. 特定のソート条件で繰り返しソートを
 行うのなら, C<make_fieldsort> を一度だけ呼び出し, それで得た関数を
+=begin original
 C<stable_fieldsort> and C<make_stable_fieldsort> are like their
 "unstable" counterparts, except that the items that compare the same
 are maintained in their original order.
+=end original
 C<stable_fieldsort> 及び C<make_stable_fieldsort> はそれぞれの "安定でない" 
 ものと同様です. 違いは順序が同位となる要素に対してソートに使ったそのままの
 =head1 EXAMPLES
+=begin original
 Some sample data (in array C<@data>):
+=end original
 サンプルデータ(C<@data> 配列の中身):
   123   asd   1.22   asdd
@@ -220,30 +254,49 @@
   91    fdgs  3.43   ewet
 =head1 BUGS
+=begin original
 Some rudimentary tests now.
+=end original
+=begin original
 Perhaps something should be done to catch things like:
+=end original
   fieldsort '.', [1, 2], @lines;
+=begin original
 C<'.'> translates to C<split /./> -- probably not what you want.
+=end original
 C<'.'> は C<split /./> となります -- これは恐らく行いたかったことでは
+=begin original
 Passing blank lines and/or lines containing the wrong kind of
 data (alphas instead of numbers) can result in copious warning messages
 under C<-w>.
+=end original
 C<-w> 環境下ではたくさんの警告メッセージが出てくるでしょう.
+=begin original
 If the regexp contains memory parentheses (C<(...)> rather than C<(?:...)>),
 split will function in "delimiter retention" mode, capturing the
 contents of the parentheses as well as the stuff between the delimiters.
@@ -251,28 +304,32 @@
 could also imagine how it could be confusing if encountered unexpectedly.
 Caveat sortor.
+=end original
 正規表現が記憶括弧(C<(?:...)> ではなく C<(...)>)を含んでいるのなら, 
 split は "区切り文字保持" モードで機能します. これは括弧の内容を
 区切り文字の間の要素と同じように抽出します. これは便利であると同時に, 
+=begin original
 Not really a bug, but if you are planning to sort a large text file,
 consider using sort(1).  Unless, of course, your operating system
 doesn't have sort(1).
+=end original
 sort(1) を使うことを考えた方が良いかもしれません. もちろんあなたのOSが
 sort(1) を持っているのならですが.
 =head1 AUTHOR
 Joseph N. Hall, josep****@5sigm*****
 =head1 SEE ALSO

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