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Kentaro Shirakata argra****@users*****
2006年 4月 3日 (月) 20:04:10 JST

Index: docs/perl/5.8.4/perlfaq3.pod
diff -u /dev/null docs/perl/5.8.4/perlfaq3.pod:1.1
--- /dev/null	Mon Apr  3 20:04:10 2006
+++ docs/perl/5.8.4/perlfaq3.pod	Mon Apr  3 20:04:10 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,2313 @@
+=head1 NAME
+=begin original
+perlfaq3 - Programming Tools ($Revision: 1.1 $, $Date: 2006/04/03 11:04:10 $)
+=end original
+perlfaq3 - プログラミングツール ($Revision: 1.1 $, $Date: 2006/04/03 11:04:10 $)
+=begin original
+This section of the FAQ answers questions related to programmer tools
+and programming support.
+=end original
+=head2 How do I do (anything)?
+=begin original
+Have you looked at CPAN (see L<perlfaq2>)?  The chances are that
+someone has already written a module that can solve your problem.
+Have you read the appropriate manpages?  Here's a brief index:
+=end original
+=begin original
+	Basics	        perldata, perlvar, perlsyn, perlop, perlsub
+	Execution	perlrun, perldebug
+	Functions	perlfunc
+	Objects		perlref, perlmod, perlobj, perltie
+	Data Structures	perlref, perllol, perldsc
+	Modules		perlmod, perlmodlib, perlsub
+	Regexes		perlre, perlfunc, perlop, perllocale
+	Moving to perl5	perltrap, perl
+	Linking w/C	perlxstut, perlxs, perlcall, perlguts, perlembed
+	Various 	http://www.cpan.org/misc/olddoc/FMTEYEWTK.tgz
+			(not a man-page but still useful, a collection
+			 of various essays on Perl techniques)
+=end original
+	基礎		perldata, perlvar, perlsyn, perlop, perlsub
+	実行		perlrun, perldebug
+	関数		perlfunc
+	オブジェクト	perlref, perlmod, perlobj, perltie
+	データ構造	perlref, perllol, perldsc
+	モジュール	perlmod, perlmodlib, perlsub
+	正規表現	perlre, perlfunc, perlop, perllocale
+	perl5への移行	perltrap, perl
+	Cとのリンク	perlxstut, perlxs, perlcall, perlguts, perlembed
+	その他  	http://www.cpan.org/misc/olddoc/FMTEYEWTK.tgz
+			(man-page ではありませんが有用な、Perl のテクニックに
+			関するコラム集です)
+=begin original
+A crude table of contents for the Perl manpage set is found in L<perltoc>.
+=end original
+無加工の Perl のマニュアルページセットの目次の一覧がL<perltoc>にあります。
+=head2 How can I use Perl interactively?
+=begin original
+The typical approach uses the Perl debugger, described in the
+perldebug(1) manpage, on an ``empty'' program, like this:
+=end original
+典型的なやり方は、perldebug(1)マニュアルページにあるような Perl
+    perl -de 42
+=begin original
+Now just type in any legal Perl code, and it will be immediately
+evaluated.  You can also examine the symbol table, get stack
+backtraces, check variable values, set breakpoints, and other
+operations typically found in symbolic debuggers.
+=end original
+これで、正しい Perl コードをタイプするだけで即座にそれが評価されます。
+=head2 Is there a Perl shell?
+=begin original
+The psh (Perl sh) is currently at version 1.8. The Perl Shell is a
+shell that combines the interactive nature of a Unix shell with the
+power of Perl. The goal is a full featured shell that behaves as
+expected for normal shell activity and uses Perl syntax and
+functionality for control-flow statements and other things.
+You can get psh at http://www.focusresearch.com/gregor/psh/ .
+=end original
+psh(Perl sh) は現在バージョン 1.8 です。
+Perl Shell は Unix シェルの対話性と Perl の力を融合したものです。
+Perl の文法と機能を使う完全な機能を持ったシェルです。
+psh は http://www.focusresearch.com/gregor/psh/ で入手できます。
+=begin original
+Zoidberg is a similar project and provides a shell written in perl,
+configured in perl and operated in perl. It is intended as a login shell
+and development environment. It can be found at http://zoidberg.sf.net/
+or your local CPAN mirror.
+=end original
+Zoidberg は似たようなプロジェクトで perl で書かれたシェルを提供します。
+これは perl で設定され、perl で動作します。これはログインシェルと
+開発環境を意図しています。http://zoidberg.sf.net/ またはお近くの
+CPAN ミラーにあります。
+=begin original
+The Shell.pm module (distributed with Perl) makes Perl try commands
+which aren't part of the Perl language as shell commands.  perlsh
+from the source distribution is simplistic and uninteresting, but
+may still be what you want.
+=end original
+(Perl と一緒に配布されている)Shell.pm モジュールは、
+Perl が Perl 言語の一部ではないコマンドをシェルコマンドのように
+試してみるようにさせます。ソース配布と一緒にある perlsh は単純で、
+=head2 How do I find which modules are installed on my system?
+=begin original
+You can use the ExtUtils::Installed module to show all
+installed distributions, although it can take awhile to do
+its magic.  The standard library which comes with Perl just
+shows up as "Perl" (although you can get those with
+=end original
+ExtUtils::Installed モジュールを使うことで全てのインストールされた
+少し時間がかかります。Perl と共に入る標準ライブラリは
+単に "Perl" として表示されます(しかしこれらのリストは
+Module::CoreList で得ることが出来ます)。
+	use ExtUtils::Installed;
+	my $inst    = ExtUtils::Installed->new();
+	my @modules = $inst->modules();
+=begin original
+If you want a list of all of the Perl module filenames, you
+can use File::Find::Rule.
+=end original
+全ての Perl モジュールファイル名の一覧を知りたいなら、
+File::Find::Rule が利用できます。
+	use File::Find::Rule;
+	my @files = File::Find::Rule->file()->name( '*.pm' )->in( @INC );
+=begin original
+If you do not have that module, you can do the same thing
+with File::Find which is part of the standard library.
+=end original
+File::Find を使って同じことが出来ます。
+    use File::Find;
+    my @files;
+    find sub { push @files, $File::Find::name if -f _ && /\.pm$/ },
+         @INC;
+	print join "\n", @files;
+=begin original
+If you simply need to quickly check to see if a module is
+available, you can check for its documentation.  If you can
+read the documentation the module is most likely installed.
+If you cannot read the documentation, the module might not
+have any (in rare cases).
+=end original
+	prompt% perldoc Module::Name
+=begin original
+You can also try to include the module in a one-liner to see if
+perl finds it.
+=end original
+	perl -MModule::Name -e1
+=head2 How do I debug my Perl programs?
+=begin original
+Have you tried C<use warnings> or used C<-w>?  They enable warnings
+to detect dubious practices.
+=end original
+C<use warning> や C<-w>は使いましたか? これらは怪しいところを警告してくれます。
+=begin original
+Have you tried C<use strict>?  It prevents you from using symbolic
+references, makes you predeclare any subroutines that you call as bare
+words, and (probably most importantly) forces you to predeclare your
+variables with C<my>, C<our>, or C<use vars>.
+=end original
+C<use strict>を試しましたか? これはシンボリックリファレンスを
+使えないようにし、あなたが bareword を使ってサブルーチン呼び出しの前に
+さらに(これが一番重要なことですが)C<my>, C<our>, C<use vars>を使って
+=begin original
+Did you check the return values of each and every system call?  The operating
+system (and thus Perl) tells you whether they worked, and if not
+=end original
+各システムコールの戻り値をチェックしましたか? オペレーティングシステム
+(そして Perl)はその呼び出しが成功したかを、
+  open(FH, "> /etc/cantwrite")
+    or die "Couldn't write to /etc/cantwrite: $!\n";
+=begin original
+Did you read L<perltrap>?  It's full of gotchas for old and new Perl
+programmers and even has sections for those of you who are upgrading
+from languages like I<awk> and I<C>.
+=end original
+L<perltrap>を読みましたか? そこには古参の Perl プログラマーと
+新参の Perl プログラマーに対する「そうか!」がたくさんあります
+=begin original
+Have you tried the Perl debugger, described in L<perldebug>?  You can
+step through your program and see what it's doing and thus work out
+why what it's doing isn't what it should be doing.
+=end original
+=head2 How do I profile my Perl programs?
+=begin original
+You should get the Devel::DProf module from the standard distribution
+(or separately on CPAN) and also use Benchmark.pm from the standard
+distribution.  The Benchmark module lets you time specific portions of
+your code, while Devel::DProf gives detailed breakdowns of where your
+code spends its time.
+=end original
+標準配付キットにある(CPAN にも分離して置いてあります)
+Devel::DProf モジュールを入手して、標準配布キットにある
+Benchmark.pm も使ってみるべきでしょう。
+Devel::DProf はあなたのプログラムのどこがどのくらい時間を
+=begin original
+Here's a sample use of Benchmark:
+=end original
+以下は Benchmark の使い方の例です:
+  use Benchmark;
+  @junk = `cat /etc/motd`;
+  $count = 10_000;
+  timethese($count, {
+            'map' => sub { my @a = @junk;
+			   map { s/a/b/ } @a;
+			   return @a },
+            'for' => sub { my @a = @junk;
+			   for (@a) { s/a/b/ };
+			   return @a },
+           });
+=begin original
+This is what it prints (on one machine--your results will be dependent
+on your hardware, operating system, and the load on your machine):
+=end original
+  Benchmark: timing 10000 iterations of for, map...
+         for:  4 secs ( 3.97 usr  0.01 sys =  3.98 cpu)
+         map:  6 secs ( 4.97 usr  0.00 sys =  4.97 cpu)
+=begin original
+Be aware that a good benchmark is very hard to write.  It only tests the
+data you give it and proves little about the differing complexities
+of contrasting algorithms.
+=end original
+=head2 How do I cross-reference my Perl programs?
+=begin original
+The B::Xref module can be used to generate cross-reference reports
+for Perl programs.
+=end original
+B::Xref モジュールが Perl プログラムに対する
+    perl -MO=Xref[,OPTIONS] scriptname.plx
+=head2 Is there a pretty-printer (formatter) for Perl?
+=begin original
+Perltidy is a Perl script which indents and reformats Perl scripts
+to make them easier to read by trying to follow the rules of the
+L<perlstyle>. If you write Perl scripts, or spend much time reading
+them, you will probably find it useful.  It is available at
+=end original
+Perltidy は Perl スクリプトを L<perlstyle> のルールに従って
+読みやすくしようとする Perl スクリプトです。
+Perl スクリプトを書いたとき、あるいは多くの時間を Perl スクリプトを
+http://perltidy.sourceforge.net で入手できます。
+=begin original
+Of course, if you simply follow the guidelines in L<perlstyle>,
+you shouldn't need to reformat.  The habit of formatting your code
+as you write it will help prevent bugs.  Your editor can and should
+help you with this.  The perl-mode or newer cperl-mode for emacs
+can provide remarkable amounts of help with most (but not all)
+code, and even less programmable editors can provide significant
+assistance.  Tom Christiansen and many other VI users  swear by
+the following settings in vi and its clones:
+=end original
+もちろん、あなたが L<perlstyle>に従っているのであれば、
+emacs の perl モードやより新しい cperl モードは、
+Tom Christiansen とその他の多くの vi 使いは vi (とそのクローン)で
+    set ai sw=4
+    map! ^O {^M}^[O^T
+=begin original
+Put that in your F<.exrc> file (replacing the caret characters
+with control characters) and away you go.  In insert mode, ^T is
+for indenting, ^D is for undenting, and ^O is for blockdenting--
+as it were.  A more complete example, with comments, can be found at
+=end original
+置き換えます)に書き込めば OK です。挿入モードでは^Tはインデントを行い、
+^Dはアンインデントを、^Oは blockdent をします。
+=begin original
+The a2ps http://www-inf.enst.fr/%7Edemaille/a2ps/black+white.ps.gz does
+lots of things related to generating nicely printed output of
+documents, as does enscript at http://people.ssh.fi/mtr/genscript/ .
+=end original
+http://www-inf.enst.fr/%7Edemaille/a2ps/black+white.ps.gzにある a2ps は
+enscript http://people.ssh.fi/mtr/genscript/ も同様です。
+=head2 Is there a ctags for Perl?
+(Perl 用の ctags はありますか?)
+=begin original
+Recent versions of ctags do much more than older versions did.
+EXUBERANT CTAGS is available from http://ctags.sourceforge.net/
+and does a good job of making tags files for perl code.
+=end original
+最近のバージョンの ctags は昔のバージョンよりはるかに多くのことが出来ます。
+EXUBERANT CTAGS は http://ctags.sourceforge.net/ から取得可能で、
+perl のコードに対するタグファイル作成に関していい仕事をしています。
+=begin original
+There is also a simple one at
+http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/TOMC/scripts/ptags.gz which may do
+the trick.  It can be easy to hack this into what you want.
+=end original
+=head2 Is there an IDE or Windows Perl Editor?
+(Perlの統合開発環境とかWindows Perl Editorはありますか?)
+=begin original
+Perl programs are just plain text, so any editor will do.
+=end original
+Perl プログラムは単なるテキストなので、どんなエディタでも作成できます。
+=begin original
+If you're on Unix, you already have an IDE--Unix itself.  The UNIX
+philosophy is the philosophy of several small tools that each do one
+thing and do it well.  It's like a carpenter's toolbox.
+=end original
+あなたが Unix を使っているなら、あなたはすでに統合開発環境を
+手にしています--それは Unix 自身です。
+Unix の哲学は、一つのことをうまくこなせる小さなツールを複数
+=begin original
+If you want an IDE, check the following:
+=end original
+=over 4
+=item Komodo
+=begin original
+ActiveState's cross-platform (as of April 2001 Windows and Linux),
+multi-language IDE has Perl support, including a regular expression
+debugger and remote debugging
+( http://www.ActiveState.com/Products/Komodo/index.html ).  (Visual
+Perl, a Visual Studio.NET plug-in is currently (early 2001) in beta
+( http://www.ActiveState.com/Products/VisualPerl/index.html )).
+=end original
+ActiveState のクロスプラットフォーム(2001 年 4 月現在 Windows と Linux)
+多言語 IDE は、
+正規表現デバッガ、リモートデバッグを含む Perl サポートがあります
+( http://www.ActiveState.com/Products/Komodo/index.html )。
+(Visual Perl, Visual Studio.NET プラグインは(2001年初頭)現在
+ベータ版です( http://www.ActiveState.com/Products/VisualPerl/index.html ))。
+=item The Object System
+=begin original
+( http://www.castlelink.co.uk/object_system/ ) is a Perl web
+applications development IDE, apparently for any platform
+that runs Perl.
+=end original
+( http://www.castlelink.co.uk/object_system/ ) は Perl web アプリケーション
+開発 IDE で、Perl が動作するあらゆるプラットフォーム用です。
+=item Open Perl IDE
+=begin original
+( http://open-perl-ide.sourceforge.net/ )
+Open Perl IDE is an integrated development environment for writing
+and debugging Perl scripts with ActiveState's ActivePerl distribution
+under Windows 95/98/NT/2000.
+=end original
+( http://open-perl-ide.sourceforge.net/ )
+Open Perl IDE は Windows 95/98/NT/2000 で動作する ActiveState の
+ActivePerl で Perl スクリプトを書いたりデバッグしたりするための
+=item PerlBuilder
+=begin original
+( http://www.solutionsoft.com/perl.htm ) is an integrated development
+environment for Windows that supports Perl development.
+=end original
+( http://www.solutionsoft.com/perl.htm ) は Windows 用統合開発環境で、
+Perl の開発にも対応しています。
+=item visiPerl+
+=begin original
+( http://helpconsulting.net/visiperl/ )
+From Help Consulting, for Windows.
+=end original
+( http://helpconsulting.net/visiperl/ )
+Help Consulting 製で、Windows 用です。
+=item OptiPerl
+=begin original
+( http://www.optiperl.com/ ) is a Windows IDE with simulated CGI
+environment, including debugger and syntax highlighting editor.
+=end original
+=begin original
+For editors: if you're on Unix you probably have vi or a vi clone already,
+and possibly an emacs too, so you may not need to download anything.
+In any emacs the cperl-mode (M-x cperl-mode) gives you perhaps the
+best available Perl editing mode in any editor.
+=end original
+エディタ使いへ: あなたが Unix を使っているなら、おそらく vi か vi クローンが
+すでにあるはずで、emacs もあるかもしれません。
+あらゆるバージョンの emacs で使える cperl-mode (M-x cperl-mode) は
+おそらくエディタでの Perl 編集モードの中で最高のものでしょう。
+=begin original
+If you are using Windows, you can use any editor that lets
+you work with plain text, such as NotePad or WordPad.  Word
+processors, such as Microsoft Word or WordPerfect, typically
+do not work since they insert all sorts of behind-the-scenes
+information, although some allow you to save files as "Text
+Only". You can also download text editors designed
+specifically for programming, such as Textpad
+( http://www.textpad.com/ ) and UltraEdit
+( http://www.ultraedit.com/ ), among others.
+=end original
+Windows を使っているのなら、NotePad や WordPad といった
+Microsoft Word や WordPerfect といったワードプロセッサは
+ただし、"Text Only"としてファイルをセーブできるものもあります。
+また、Textpad ( http://www.textpad.com/ ) や UltraEdit
+( http://www.ultraedit.com/ ) といったプログラミングに特化した
+=begin original
+If you are using MacOS, the same concerns apply.  MacPerl
+(for Classic environments) comes with a simple editor.
+Popular external editors are BBEdit ( http://www.bbedit.com/ )
+or Alpha ( http://www.kelehers.org/alpha/ ). MacOS X users can
+use Unix editors as well.
+=end original
+MacOS を使っているなら、同様の考え方が適用されます。
+(Classic 環境用の)MacPerl にはシンプルなエディタが付いています。
+有名な外部エディタとしては BBEdit ( http://www.bbedit.com/ ) や
+Alpha ( http://www.kelehers.org/alpha/ ) があります。
+MacOS X ユーザーは Unix エディタも使えます。
+=over 4
+=item GNU Emacs
+=item MicroEMACS
+=item XEmacs
+=item Jed
+=begin original
+or a vi clone such as
+=end original
+あるいは以下のような vi クローンもあります。
+=over 4
+=item Elvis
+ftp://ftp.cs.pdx.edu/pub/elvis/ http://www.fh-wedel.de/elvis/
+=item Vile
+=item Vim
+=begin original
+For vi lovers in general, Windows or elsewhere:
+=end original
+一般的な、Windows やその他の vi 愛好者のために:
+	http://www.thomer.com/thomer/vi/vi.html
+=begin original
+nvi ( http://www.bostic.com/vi/ , available from CPAN in src/misc/) is
+yet another vi clone, unfortunately not available for Windows, but in
+UNIX platforms you might be interested in trying it out, firstly because
+strictly speaking it is not a vi clone, it is the real vi, or the new
+incarnation of it, and secondly because you can embed Perl inside it
+to use Perl as the scripting language.  nvi is not alone in this,
+though: at least also vim and vile offer an embedded Perl.
+=end original
+nvi (http://www.bostic.com/vi/ , CPAN の src/misc/ にもあります)は
+vi クローンの一つで、残念ながら Windows では動作しませんが、
+UNIX プラットフォームを使っているなら試してみるべきです。
+第一の理由としては、厳密には vi クローンではないものの、
+実際は vi、あるいは vi の子孫であるからです。
+第二の理由としては、Perl を内蔵していて、Perl をスクリプト言語として
+使えるからです。しかし、nvi はこれらの機能をもつ唯一のものではありません。
+少なくとも vim と vile も内蔵 Perl を提供しています。
+=begin original
+The following are Win32 multilanguage editor/IDESs that support Perl:
+=end original
+以下は Perl をサポートしている Win32 多言語エディタ/IDE です。
+=over 4
+=item Codewright
+=item MultiEdit
+=item SlickEdit
+=begin original
+There is also a toyedit Text widget based editor written in Perl
+that is distributed with the Tk module on CPAN.  The ptkdb
+( http://world.std.com/~aep/ptkdb/ ) is a Perl/tk based debugger that
+acts as a development environment of sorts.  Perl Composer
+( http://perlcomposer.sourceforge.net/ ) is an IDE for Perl/Tk
+GUI creation.
+=end original
+CPAN で Tk モジュールと共に配布されている、Perl で書かれた
+toyedit Textウィジェットベースのエディタがあります。
+ptkdb( http://world.std.com/~aep/ptkdb/ ) は 開発環境として振舞う
+Perl/tk ベースのデバッガです。Perl Composer
+( http://perlcomposer.sourceforge.net/vperl.html )は
+Perl/Tk GUI を使った IDE です。
+=begin original
+In addition to an editor/IDE you might be interested in a more
+powerful shell environment for Win32.  Your options include
+=end original
+エディタ/統合開発環境に加えて、Win32 環境でのより強力な
+=over 4
+=item Bash
+=begin original
+from the Cygwin package ( http://sources.redhat.com/cygwin/ )
+=end original
+Cygwin パッケージ ( http://sources.redhat.com/cygwin/ ) から。
+=item Ksh
+=begin original
+from the MKS Toolkit ( http://www.mks.com/ ), or the Bourne shell of
+the U/WIN environment ( http://www.research.att.com/sw/tools/uwin/ )
+=end original
+MKS ツールキット ( http://www.mks.com/ )か、
+U/WIN 環境 ( http://www.research.att.com/sw/tools/uwin/ ) の
+Bourne shell から。
+=item Tcsh
+=begin original
+ftp://ftp.astron.com/pub/tcsh/ , see also
+=end original
+ftp://ftp.astron.com/pub/tcsh/ 。
+http://www.primate.wisc.edu/software/csh-tcsh-book/ も参照してください。
+=item Zsh
+=begin original
+ftp://ftp.blarg.net/users/amol/zsh/ , see also http://www.zsh.org/
+=end original
+ftp://ftp.blarg.net/users/amol/zsh/ 。
+http://www.zsh.org/ も参照してください。
+=begin original
+MKS and U/WIN are commercial (U/WIN is free for educational and
+research purposes), Cygwin is covered by the GNU Public License (but
+that shouldn't matter for Perl use).  The Cygwin, MKS, and U/WIN all
+contain (in addition to the shells) a comprehensive set of standard
+UNIX toolkit utilities.
+=end original
+MKS とU/WIN は商用(U/WIN は教育・研究目的には無料)で、
+Cygwin は GNU Public License で配布されています
+(しかしこれは Perl の使用には関係ないはずです)。
+Cygwin, MSK, U/WIN は全て(シェルに加えて)広範囲な標準 UNIX ツールキットを
+=begin original
+If you're transferring text files between Unix and Windows using FTP
+be sure to transfer them in ASCII mode so the ends of lines are
+appropriately converted.
+=end original
+Unix と Windows の間でテキストファイルを FTP で転送する場合、
+改行コードを適切に変更するために ASCII モードにしてください。
+=begin original
+On Mac OS the MacPerl Application comes with a simple 32k text editor
+that behaves like a rudimentary IDE.  In contrast to the MacPerl Application
+the MPW Perl tool can make use of the MPW Shell itself as an editor (with
+no 32k limit).
+=end original
+Mac OS では MacPerl Application は基本的な IDE のように振舞う
+シンプルな 32k テキストエディタがついています。
+MacPerl Application と対照的に、MPW Perl tool は MPW Shell 自身を
+(32k の制限なしに)エディタとして使えます。
+=over 4
+=item BBEdit and BBEdit Lite
+=begin original
+are text editors for Mac OS that have a Perl sensitivity mode
+( http://web.barebones.com/ ).
+=end original
+これは Mac OS で動作するテキストエディタで、
+Perl 用のモードがあります( http://web.barebones.com/ )。
+=item Alpha
+=begin original
+is an editor, written and extensible in Tcl, that nonetheless has
+built in support for several popular markup and programming languages
+including Perl and HTML ( http://alpha.olm.net/ ).
+=end original
+これはエディタで、Tcl で書かれており、拡張可能です。
+( Perl と HTML を含みます)への対応を内蔵しています(http://alpha.olm.net/)。
+=begin original
+Pepper and Pe are programming language sensitive text editors for Mac
+OS X and BeOS respectively ( http://www.hekkelman.com/ ).
+=end original
+Pepper と Pe はそれぞれ Mac OS X と BeOS 用のプログラミング言語向け
+テキストエディタです( http://www.hekkelman.com/ )。
+=head2 Where can I get Perl macros for vi?
+=begin original
+For a complete version of Tom Christiansen's vi configuration file,
+see http://www.cpan.org/authors/Tom_Christiansen/scripts/toms.exrc.gz ,
+the standard benchmark file for vi emulators.  The file runs best with nvi,
+the current version of vi out of Berkeley, which incidentally can be built
+with an embedded Perl interpreter--see http://www.cpan.org/src/misc/ .
+=end original
+viエミュレーターの標準ベンチマークファイルである Tom Christiansen の
+vi コンフィグレーションファイルの完全なものは
+nvi で最もよく実行されます。nvi は組み込みのPerlインタプリタを
+=head2 Where can I get perl-mode for emacs?
+=begin original
+Since Emacs version 19 patchlevel 22 or so, there have been both a
+perl-mode.el and support for the Perl debugger built in.  These should
+come with the standard Emacs 19 distribution.
+=end original
+Emacs のバージョン 19 パッチレベル 22 から、perl-mode.el と組み込みの Perl
+これらは標準の Emacs19 配布セットと一緒にあるはずです。
+=begin original
+In the Perl source directory, you'll find a directory called "emacs",
+which contains a cperl-mode that color-codes keywords, provides
+context-sensitive help, and other nifty things.
+=end original
+ヘルプなどのご機嫌なことを提供する cperl-mode があります。
+=begin original
+Note that the perl-mode of emacs will have fits with C<"main'foo">
+(single quote), and mess up the indentation and highlighting.  You
+are probably using C<"main::foo"> in new Perl code anyway, so this
+shouldn't be an issue.
+=end original
+=head2 How can I use curses with Perl?
+(Perl で curses を使うには?)
+=begin original
+The Curses module from CPAN provides a dynamically loadable object
+module interface to a curses library.  A small demo can be found at the
+directory http://www.cpan.org/authors/Tom_Christiansen/scripts/rep.gz ;
+this program repeats a command and updates the screen as needed, rendering
+B<rep ps axu> similar to B<top>.
+=end original
+画面を更新し、B<top>と同じくB<rep ps axu>をレンダリングします。
+=head2 How can I use X or Tk with Perl?
+=begin original
+Tk is a completely Perl-based, object-oriented interface to the Tk toolkit
+that doesn't force you to use Tcl just to get at Tk.  Sx is an interface
+to the Athena Widget set.  Both are available from CPAN.  See the
+directory http://www.cpan.org/modules/by-category/08_User_Interfaces/
+=end original
+SxはAthena ウィジェットセットに対するインターフェースです。
+=begin original
+Invaluable for Perl/Tk programming are the Perl/Tk FAQ at
+http://w4.lns.cornell.edu/%7Epvhp/ptk/ptkTOC.html , the Perl/Tk Reference
+Guide available at
+http://www.cpan.org/authors/Stephen_O_Lidie/ , and the
+online manpages at
+http://www-users.cs.umn.edu/%7Eamundson/perl/perltk/toc.html .
+=end original
+http://w4.lns.cornell.edu/%7Epvhp/ptk/ptkTOC.html にあります。
+=head2 How can I generate simple menus without using CGI or Tk?
+(どうやれば CGIやTkを使わずに単純なメニューを生成できますか?)
+=begin original
+The http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/SKUNZ/perlmenu.v4.0.tar.gz
+module, which is curses-based, can help with this.
+=end original
+=head2 How can I make my Perl program run faster?
+=begin original
+The best way to do this is to come up with a better algorithm.  This
+can often make a dramatic difference.  Jon Bentley's book
+I<Programming Pearls> (that's not a misspelling!)  has some good tips
+on optimization, too.  Advice on benchmarking boils down to: benchmark
+and profile to make sure you're optimizing the right part, look for
+better algorithms instead of microtuning your code, and when all else
+fails consider just buying faster hardware.  You will probably want to
+read the answer to the earlier question ``How do I profile my Perl
+programs?'' if you haven't done so already.
+=end original
+tips があります。
+Jon Bentleyの著作“Programming Pearls”(ミススペルではありません!)
+(邦訳「珠玉のプログラミング」)にも最適化に関するいくつかの Tips があります。
+=begin original
+A different approach is to autoload seldom-used Perl code.  See the
+AutoSplit and AutoLoader modules in the standard distribution for
+that.  Or you could locate the bottleneck and think about writing just
+that part in C, the way we used to take bottlenecks in C code and
+write them in assembler.  Similar to rewriting in C, modules that have
+critical sections can be written in C (for instance, the PDL module
+from CPAN).
+=end original
+別のアプローチには、時々使う Perl コードを
+このために標準配布キットにある AutoSplitモジュールと
+AutoLoader モジュールを参照してください。
+その部分を C で書くことを考えるかもしれません。
+ちょうど C で書かれたプログラムのボトルネックをアセンブラで書くのと同じことです。
+C で書き直すという意味では、
+C で書き直すというのも同様です(例えば、CPANにある
+=begin original
+If you're currently linking your perl executable to a shared
+I<libc.so>, you can often gain a 10-25% performance benefit by
+rebuilding it to link with a static libc.a instead.  This will make a
+bigger perl executable, but your Perl programs (and programmers) may
+thank you for it.  See the F<INSTALL> file in the source distribution
+for more information.
+=end original
+=begin original
+The undump program was an ancient attempt to speed up Perl program by
+storing the already-compiled form to disk.  This is no longer a viable
+option, as it only worked on a few architectures, and wasn't a good
+solution anyway.
+=end original
+undump プログラムは、コンパイル済みの形式でディスクに格納することで
+=head2 How can I make my Perl program take less memory?
+=begin original
+When it comes to time-space tradeoffs, Perl nearly always prefers to
+throw memory at a problem.  Scalars in Perl use more memory than
+strings in C, arrays take more than that, and hashes use even more.  While
+there's still a lot to be done, recent releases have been addressing
+these issues.  For example, as of 5.004, duplicate hash keys are
+shared amongst all hashes using them, so require no reallocation.
+=end original
+=begin original
+In some cases, using substr() or vec() to simulate arrays can be
+highly beneficial.  For example, an array of a thousand booleans will
+take at least 20,000 bytes of space, but it can be turned into one
+125-byte bit vector--a considerable memory savings.  The standard
+Tie::SubstrHash module can also help for certain types of data
+structure.  If you're working with specialist data structures
+(matrices, for instance) modules that implement these in C may use
+less memory than equivalent Perl modules.
+=end original
+=begin original
+Another thing to try is learning whether your Perl was compiled with
+the system malloc or with Perl's builtin malloc.  Whichever one it
+is, try using the other one and see whether this makes a difference.
+Information about malloc is in the F<INSTALL> file in the source
+distribution.  You can find out whether you are using perl's malloc by
+typing C<perl -V:usemymalloc>.
+=end original
+C<perl -V:usemymalloc>とタイプすればperlが使っている
+=begin original
+Of course, the best way to save memory is to not do anything to waste
+it in the first place. Good programming practices can go a long way
+toward this:
+=end original
+=over 4
+=item * Don't slurp!
+=begin original
+Don't read an entire file into memory if you can process it line
+by line. Or more concretely, use a loop like this:
+=end original
+	#
+	# Good Idea
+	#
+	while (<FILE>) {
+	   # ...
+	}
+=begin original
+instead of this:
+=end original
+	#
+	# Bad Idea
+	#
+	@data = <FILE>;
+	foreach (@data) {
+	    # ...
+	}
+=begin original
+When the files you're processing are small, it doesn't much matter which
+way you do it, but it makes a huge difference when they start getting
+=end original
+=item * Use map and grep selectively
+=begin original
+Remember that both map and grep expect a LIST argument, so doing this:
+=end original
+map と grep はどちらも LIST 引数を取るので、以下のようにすると:
+        @wanted = grep {/pattern/} <FILE>;
+=begin original
+will cause the entire file to be slurped. For large files, it's better
+to loop:
+=end original
+        while (<FILE>) {
+                push(@wanted, $_) if /pattern/;
+        }
+=item * Avoid unnecessary quotes and stringification
+=begin original
+Don't quote large strings unless absolutely necessary:
+=end original
+        my $copy = "$large_string";
+=begin original
+makes 2 copies of $large_string (one for $copy and another for the
+quotes), whereas
+=end original
+このように書くと、$large_string のコピーを二つ($copy とクォートと)
+        my $copy = $large_string;
+=begin original
+only makes one copy.
+=end original
+=begin original
+Ditto for stringifying large arrays:
+=end original
+        {
+                local $, = "\n";
+                print @big_array;
+        }
+=begin original
+is much more memory-efficient than either
+=end original
+        print join "\n", @big_array;
+=begin original
+=end original
+        {
+                local $" = "\n";
+                print "@big_array";
+        }
+=item * Pass by reference
+=begin original
+Pass arrays and hashes by reference, not by value. For one thing, it's
+the only way to pass multiple lists or hashes (or both) in a single
+call/return. It also avoids creating a copy of all the contents. This
+requires some judgment, however, because any changes will be propagated
+back to the original data. If you really want to mangle (er, modify) a
+copy, you'll have to sacrifice the memory needed to make one.
+=end original
+=item * Tie large variables to disk.
+=begin original
+For "big" data stores (i.e. ones that exceed available memory) consider
+using one of the DB modules to store it on disk instead of in RAM. This
+will incur a penalty in access time, but that's probably better than
+causing your hard disk to thrash due to massive swapping.
+=end original
+扱う時には RAM の代わりにディスクに保存するために DB モジュールの
+=head2 Is it safe to return a reference to local or lexical data?
+=begin original
+Yes. Perl's garbage collection system takes care of this so
+everything works out right.
+=end original
+はい。Perl のガベージコレクションシステムは全てがうまくいくように
+    sub makeone {
+	my @a = ( 1 .. 10 );
+	return \@a;
+    }
+    for ( 1 .. 10 ) {
+        push @many, makeone();
+    }
+    print $many[4][5], "\n";
+    print "@many\n";
+=head2 How can I free an array or hash so my program shrinks?
+=begin original
+You usually can't. On most operating systems, memory
+allocated to a program can never be returned to the system.
+That's why long-running programs sometimes re-exec
+themselves. Some operating systems (notably, systems that
+use mmap(2) for allocating large chunks of memory) can
+reclaim memory that is no longer used, but on such systems,
+perl must be configured and compiled to use the OS's malloc,
+not perl's.
+=end original
+割り付けるときに mmap(2) を使うシステム)では、
+そのようなシステムでは、perl を perl 自身ではなく OS の
+malloc を使うように設定し、コンパイルしなければなりません。
+=begin original
+However, judicious use of my() on your variables will help make sure
+that they go out of scope so that Perl can free up that space for
+use in other parts of your program.  A global variable, of course, never
+goes out of scope, so you can't get its space automatically reclaimed,
+although undef()ing and/or delete()ing it will achieve the same effect.
+In general, memory allocation and de-allocation isn't something you can
+or should be worrying about much in Perl, but even this capability
+(preallocation of data types) is in the works.
+=end original
+=head2 How can I make my CGI script more efficient?
+=begin original
+Beyond the normal measures described to make general Perl programs
+faster or smaller, a CGI program has additional issues.  It may be run
+several times per second.  Given that each time it runs it will need
+to be re-compiled and will often allocate a megabyte or more of system
+memory, this can be a killer.  Compiling into C B<isn't going to help
+you> because the process start-up overhead is where the bottleneck is.
+=end original
+=begin original
+There are two popular ways to avoid this overhead.  One solution
+involves running the Apache HTTP server (available from
+http://www.apache.org/ ) with either of the mod_perl or mod_fastcgi
+plugin modules.
+=end original
+解決策の一つはApache HTTPサーバー(http://www.apache.org/ から入手可能)に
+=begin original
+With mod_perl and the Apache::Registry module (distributed with
+mod_perl), httpd will run with an embedded Perl interpreter which
+pre-compiles your script and then executes it within the same address
+space without forking.  The Apache extension also gives Perl access to
+the internal server API, so modules written in Perl can do just about
+anything a module written in C can.  For more on mod_perl, see
+=end original
+mod_perlとApache::Registry モジュール(mod_perlと一緒に配布されて
+Apatche エクステンションはまた、
+mod_perlに関する詳細は http://perl.apache.org/ を参照してください。
+=begin original
+With the FCGI module (from CPAN) and the mod_fastcgi
+module (available from http://www.fastcgi.com/ ) each of your Perl
+programs becomes a permanent CGI daemon process.
+=end original
+はあなたのPerlプログラムのそれぞれを永続的 CGI デーモンプロセスにします。
+=begin original
+Both of these solutions can have far-reaching effects on your system
+and on the way you write your CGI programs, so investigate them with
+=end original
+=begin original
+See http://www.cpan.org/modules/by-category/15_World_Wide_Web_HTML_HTTP_CGI/ .
+=end original
+http://www.cpan.org/modules/by-category/15_World_Wide_Web_HTML_HTTP_CGI/ を
+=begin original
+A non-free, commercial product, ``The Velocity Engine for Perl'',
+(http://www.binevolve.com/ or http://www.binevolve.com/velocigen/ )
+might also be worth looking at.  It will allow you to increase the
+performance of your Perl programs, running programs up to 25 times
+faster than normal CGI Perl when running in persistent Perl mode or 4
+to 5 times faster without any modification to your existing CGI
+programs. Fully functional evaluation copies are available from the
+web site.
+=end original
+フリーソフトではない、商用の製品の``The Velocity Engine for Perl''
+があります(http://www.binevolve.com/ または http://www.binevolve.com/velocigen/)。
+persistent Perlモードで実行されている
+通常のCGI Perlの25倍の早さにすることもありますし、
+=head2 How can I hide the source for my Perl program?
+=begin original
+Delete it. :-) Seriously, there are a number of (mostly
+unsatisfactory) solutions with varying levels of ``security''.
+=end original
+削除しましょう :-) まじめな話、様々な“セキュリティ”レベルを持った
+=begin original
+First of all, however, you I<can't> take away read permission, because
+the source code has to be readable in order to be compiled and
+interpreted.  (That doesn't mean that a CGI script's source is
+readable by people on the web, though--only by people with access to
+the filesystem.)  So you have to leave the permissions at the socially
+friendly 0755 level.
+=end original
+しかしながら、まず最初に、あなたは読み取り権限(read permission)を
+ですから、権限の設定を少なくとも socially friendly な 0755 の
+=begin original
+Some people regard this as a security problem.  If your program does
+insecure things and relies on people not knowing how to exploit those
+insecurities, it is not secure.  It is often possible for someone to
+determine the insecure things and exploit them without viewing the
+source.  Security through obscurity, the name for hiding your bugs
+instead of fixing them, is little security indeed.
+=end original
+知られていないことに頼るセキュリティ(security through obscurity)は
+=begin original
+You can try using encryption via source filters (Starting from Perl
+5.8 the Filter::Simple and Filter::Util::Call modules are included in
+the standard distribution), but any decent programmer will be able to
+decrypt it.  You can try using the byte code compiler and interpreter
+described below, but the curious might still be able to de-compile it.
+You can try using the native-code compiler described below, but
+crackers might be able to disassemble it.  These pose varying degrees
+of difficulty to people wanting to get at your code, but none can
+definitively conceal it (true of every language, not just Perl).
+=end original
+ソースフィルター(Perl 5.8 からは Filter::Simple と Filter::Util::Call は
+=begin original
+It is very easy to recover the source of Perl programs.  You simply
+feed the program to the perl interpreter and use the modules in
+the B:: hierarchy.  The B::Deparse module should be able to
+defeat most attempts to hide source.  Again, this is not
+unique to Perl.
+=end original
+Perl プログラムのソースを取り出すのはとても簡単です。
+プログラムを perl インタプリタに渡して B:: 階層のモジュールを
+B::Deparse モジュールはソースを隠そうとするほとんどの試みを
+打ち破るはずです。繰り返しますが、これは Perl に限ったことではありません。
+=begin original
+If you're concerned about people profiting from your code, then the
+bottom line is that nothing but a restrictive license will give you
+legal security.  License your software and pepper it with threatening
+statements like ``This is unpublished proprietary software of XYZ Corp.
+Your access to it does not give you permission to use it blah blah
+blah.''  We are not lawyers, of course, so you should see a lawyer if
+you want to be sure your license's wording will stand up in court.
+=end original
+あなたに法的な安全性 (legal security)をもたらすでしょう。
+“This is unpublished proprietary software of XYZ Corp.
+Your access to it does not give you permission to use it blah blah
+=head2 How can I compile my Perl program into byte code or C?
+=begin original
+Malcolm Beattie has written a multifunction backend compiler,
+available from CPAN, that can do both these things.  It is included
+in the perl5.005 release, but is still considered experimental.
+This means it's fun to play with if you're a programmer but not
+really for people looking for turn-key solutions.
+=end original
+Malcolm Beattieは多機能バックエンドコンパイラー(multifunction
+backend compiler)を作成しました。
+=begin original
+Merely compiling into C does not in and of itself guarantee that your
+code will run very much faster.  That's because except for lucky cases
+where a lot of native type inferencing is possible, the normal Perl
+run-time system is still present and so your program will take just as
+long to run and be just as big.  Most programs save little more than
+compilation time, leaving execution no more than 10-30% faster.  A few
+rare programs actually benefit significantly (even running several times
+faster), but this takes some tweaking of your code.
+=end original
+するものではありません。なぜならそれは、内部型(native type)の
+=begin original
+You'll probably be astonished to learn that the current version of the
+compiler generates a compiled form of your script whose executable is
+just as big as the original perl executable, and then some.  That's
+because as currently written, all programs are prepared for a full
+eval() statement.  You can tremendously reduce this cost by building a
+shared I<libperl.so> library and linking against that.  See the
+F<INSTALL> podfile in the Perl source distribution for details.  If
+you link your main perl binary with this, it will make it minuscule.
+For example, on one author's system, F</usr/bin/perl> is only 11k in
+=end original
+これは、共有ライブラリ I<libperl.so>を作成してそれを使うようにすることで
+詳しくは、Perlのソース配布キットにある F<INSTALL>というpodfileを
+あなたの使っている perl バイナリをこのライブラリとリンクすれば、
+たとえば、ある著者のシステムでは、/usr/bin/perl はたったの11kバイトの
+=begin original
+In general, the compiler will do nothing to make a Perl program smaller,
+faster, more portable, or more secure.  In fact, it can make your
+situation worse.  The executable will be bigger, your VM system may take
+longer to load the whole thing, the binary is fragile and hard to fix,
+and compilation never stopped software piracy in the form of crackers,
+viruses, or bootleggers.  The real advantage of the compiler is merely
+packaging, and once you see the size of what it makes (well, unless
+you use a shared I<libperl.so>), you'll probably want a complete
+Perl install anyway.
+=end original
+=head2 How can I compile Perl into Java?
+=begin original
+You can also integrate Java and Perl with the
+Perl Resource Kit from O'Reilly and Associates.  See
+http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/prkunix/ .
+=end original
+オライリーの Perl リソースキットを使って Java と Perl を統合することも出来ます。
+http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/prkunix/ を参照してください。
+=begin original
+Perl 5.6 comes with Java Perl Lingo, or JPL.  JPL, still in
+development, allows Perl code to be called from Java.  See jpl/README
+in the Perl source tree.
+=end original
+Perl 5.6 は Java Perl Lingo(JPL) と協調できます。
+JPL はまだ開発中ですが、Perl コードを Java から呼び出せます。
+Perl ソースツリーの jpl/README を参照してください。
+=head2 How can I get C<#!perl> to work on [MS-DOS,NT,...]?
+(MS-DOS, NT, etc で '#!perl'が動作するようにするには?)
+=begin original
+For OS/2 just use
+=end original
+    extproc perl -S -your_switches
+=begin original
+as the first line in C<*.cmd> file (C<-S> due to a bug in cmd.exe's
+`extproc' handling).  For DOS one should first invent a corresponding
+batch file and codify it in C<ALTERNATE_SHEBANG> (see the
+F<dosish.h> file in the source distribution for more information).
+=end original
+ッチファイルを作ってC<ALTERNATE_SHEBANG> を行うべきでしょう(詳
+=begin original
+The Win95/NT installation, when using the ActiveState port of Perl,
+will modify the Registry to associate the C<.pl> extension with the
+perl interpreter.  If you install another port, perhaps even building
+your own Win95/NT Perl from the standard sources by using a Windows port
+of gcc (e.g., with cygwin or mingw32), then you'll have to modify
+the Registry yourself.  In addition to associating C<.pl> with the
+interpreter, NT people can use: C<SET PATHEXT=%PATHEXT%;.PL> to let them
+run the program C<install-linux.pl> merely by typing C<install-linux>.
+=end original
+Windows 95やWindows NTで ActiveStateの移植したPerl
+を使うか、あるいはあなた自身が Windowsに移植されたgcc(cygwinやmingw)を
+人はC<install-linux.pl> を C<install-linux>のように起動することが
+可能です。NTではC<SET PATHEXT=%PATHEXT%;.PL>のようにします。
+=begin original
+Macintosh Perl programs will have the appropriate Creator and
+Type, so that double-clicking them will invoke the Perl application.
+=end original
+Macintosh Perlのプログラムは適切なCreatorとTypeとを持っているで
+=begin original
+I<IMPORTANT!>: Whatever you do, PLEASE don't get frustrated, and just
+throw the perl interpreter into your cgi-bin directory, in order to
+get your programs working for a web server.  This is an EXTREMELY big
+security risk.  Take the time to figure out how to do it correctly.
+=end original
+=head2 Can I write useful Perl programs on the command line?
+=begin original
+Yes.  Read L<perlrun> for more information.  Some examples follow.
+(These assume standard Unix shell quoting rules.)
+=end original
+以下に挙げておきます(ここでは標準のUNIX シェル引用規則に従っていると
+=begin original
+    # sum first and last fields
+    perl -lane 'print $F[0] + $F[-1]' *
+=end original
+    # 最初と最後のフィールドを加算する
+    perl -lane 'print $F[0] + $F[-1]' *
+=begin original
+    # identify text files
+    perl -le 'for(@ARGV) {print if -f && -T _}' *
+=end original
+    # テキストファイルを見つけだす
+    perl -le 'for(@ARGV) {print if -f && -T _}' *
+=begin original
+    # remove (most) comments from C program
+    perl -0777 -pe 's{/\*.*?\*/}{}gs' foo.c
+=end original
+    # Cプログラムから(大部分の)コメントを取り除く
+    perl -0777 -pe 's{/\*.*?\*/}{}gs' foo.c
+=begin original
+    # make file a month younger than today, defeating reaper daemons
+    perl -e '$X=24*60*60; utime(time(),time() + 30 * $X, @ ARGV)' *
+=end original
+    # ファイルの修整日付を今日より一月先にして、reaper daemonを打ち負かす
+    perl -e '$X=24*60*60; utime(time(),time() + 30 * $X, @ ARGV)' *
+=begin original
+    # find first unused uid
+    perl -le '$i++ while getpwuid($i); print $i'
+=end original
+    # 最初の未使用uidを見つけだす
+    perl -le '$i++ while getpwuid($i); print $i'
+=begin original
+    # display reasonable manpath
+    echo $PATH | perl -nl -072 -e '
+	s![^/+]*$!man!&&-d&&!$s{$_}++&&push @ m,$_;END{print"@m"}'
+=end original
+    # 適切なmanpathを表示する
+    echo $PATH | perl -nl -072 -e '
+	s![^/+]*$!man!&&-d&&!$s{$_}++&&push @ m,$_;END{print"@m"}'
+=begin original
+OK, the last one was actually an Obfuscated Perl Contest entry. :-)
+=end original
+そう、最後のは Obfuscated Perl コンテストにエントリーされてましたね :-)
+=head2 Why don't Perl one-liners work on my DOS/Mac/VMS system?
+(なぜ私の DOS/Mac/VMSシステムでは一行野郎(one-liners)は動かないのでしょうか?)
+=begin original
+The problem is usually that the command interpreters on those systems
+have rather different ideas about quoting than the Unix shells under
+which the one-liners were created.  On some systems, you may have to
+change single-quotes to double ones, which you must I<NOT> do on Unix
+or Plan9 systems.  You might also have to change a single % to a %%.
+=end original
+=begin original
+For example:
+=end original
+    # Unix
+    perl -e 'print "Hello world\n"'
+    # DOS, etc.
+    perl -e "print \"Hello world\n\""
+    # Mac
+    print "Hello world\n"
+     (then Run "Myscript" or Shift-Command-R)
+    # MPW
+    perl -e 'print "Hello world\n"'
+    # VMS
+    perl -e "print ""Hello world\n"""
+=begin original
+The problem is that none of these examples are reliable: they depend on the
+command interpreter.  Under Unix, the first two often work. Under DOS,
+it's entirely possible that neither works.  If 4DOS was the command shell,
+you'd probably have better luck like this:
+=end original
+  perl -e "print <Ctrl-x>"Hello world\n<Ctrl-x>""
+=begin original
+Under the Mac, it depends which environment you are using.  The MacPerl
+shell, or MPW, is much like Unix shells in its support for several
+quoting variants, except that it makes free use of the Mac's non-ASCII
+characters as control characters.
+=end original
+=begin original
+Using qq(), q(), and qx(), instead of "double quotes", 'single
+quotes', and `backticks`, may make one-liners easier to write.
+=end original
+代わりにqq(), q(), qx()をそれぞれ使います。これによって
+=begin original
+There is no general solution to all of this.  It is a mess.
+=end original
+=begin original
+[Some of this answer was contributed by Kenneth Albanowski.]
+=end original
+[この回答の一部はKenneth Albanowskiから寄せられました]
+=head2 Where can I learn about CGI or Web programming in Perl?
+=begin original
+For modules, get the CGI or LWP modules from CPAN.  For textbooks,
+see the two especially dedicated to web stuff in the question on
+books.  For problems and questions related to the web, like ``Why
+do I get 500 Errors'' or ``Why doesn't it run from the browser right
+when it runs fine on the command line'', see the troubleshooting
+guides and references in L<perlfaq9> or in the CGI MetaFAQ:
+=end original
+教科書なら、本にあるweb stuffの特に決定的な二つを参照しましょう。
+“Why do I get 500 Errors” (なんで 500 Errors になるの)
+“Why doesn't it run from the browser right when it runs fine on the command line”
+L<perlfaq9> か CGI MetaFAQ を参照してください:
+	http://www.perl.org/CGI_MetaFAQ.html
+=head2 Where can I learn about object-oriented Perl programming?
+=begin original
+A good place to start is L<perltoot>, and you can use L<perlobj>,
+L<perlboot>, L<perltoot>, L<perltooc>, and L<perlbot> for reference.
+(If you are using really old Perl, you may not have all of these,
+try http://www.perldoc.com/ , but consider upgrading your perl.)
+=end original
+始めるにはよい場所は L<perltoot>です。リファレンスとしてL<perlobj>,
+L<perlboot>, <perltooc>, <perlbot>が使えます。
+(もしあなたが本当に古い Perl を使っているなら、これらの全てが含まれて
+いないかもしれません。その場合は http://www.perldoc.com/ を見てください。
+但し、perl をアップグレードすることも検討してください。)
+=begin original
+A good book on OO on Perl is the "Object-Oriented Perl"
+by Damian Conway from Manning Publications,
+=end original
+Perl でのオブジェクト指向に関するよい本は Manning Publications が
+出版する Damian Conway による "Object-Oriented Perl" です。
+=head2 Where can I learn about linking C with Perl? [h2xs, xsubpp]
+(C と Perl のリンクについてはどこで学べますか? [h2xs, xsubpp])
+=begin original
+If you want to call C from Perl, start with L<perlxstut>,
+moving on to L<perlxs>, L<xsubpp>, and L<perlguts>.  If you want to
+call Perl from C, then read L<perlembed>, L<perlcall>, and
+L<perlguts>.  Don't forget that you can learn a lot from looking at
+how the authors of existing extension modules wrote their code and
+solved their problems.
+=end original
+L<xsubpp>, L<perlguts>へと進みます。CからPerlを呼び出したいのなら、
+L<perlembed>, L<perlcall>, L<perlguts>を読みましょう。
+=head2 I've read perlembed, perlguts, etc., but I can't embed perl in
+my C program; what am I doing wrong?
+=begin original
+Download the ExtUtils::Embed kit from CPAN and run `make test'.  If
+the tests pass, read the pods again and again and again.  If they
+fail, see L<perlbug> and send a bug report with the output of
+C<make test TEST_VERBOSE=1> along with C<perl -V>.
+=end original
+CPANからExtUtils::Embedキットをダウンロードして、`make test'を
+テストに失敗したなら、L<perlbug>を読んで、C<perl -V>の出力と
+C<make test TEST_VERBOSE=1>の出力を添付してバグレポートを送ってください。
+=head2 When I tried to run my script, I got this message. What does it mean?
+=begin original
+A complete list of Perl's error messages and warnings with explanatory
+text can be found in L<perldiag>. You can also use the splain program
+(distributed with Perl) to explain the error messages:
+=end original
+perl のすべてのエラーメッセージ、警告メッセージの説明テキスト付きのリストが
+L<perldiag> にあります。
+splain プログラムを使うこともできます(これは Perl と一緒に配布されています)。
+    perl program 2>diag.out
+    splain [-v] [-p] diag.out
+=begin original
+or change your program to explain the messages for you:
+=end original
+    use diagnostics;
+=begin original
+=end original
+    use diagnostics -verbose;
+=head2 What's MakeMaker?
+=begin original
+This module (part of the standard Perl distribution) is designed to
+write a Makefile for an extension module from a Makefile.PL.  For more
+information, see L<ExtUtils::MakeMaker>.
+=end original
+詳しくは L<ExtUtils::MakeMaker> を参照してください。
+Copyright (c) 1997-2002 Tom Christiansen and Nathan Torkington.
+All rights reserved.
+This documentation is free; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the same terms as Perl itself.
+Irrespective of its distribution, all code examples here are in the public
+domain.  You are permitted and encouraged to use this code and any
+derivatives thereof in your own programs for fun or for profit as you
+see fit.  A simple comment in the code giving credit to the FAQ would
+be courteous but is not required.

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