[perldocjp-cvs 11] CVS update: docs/modules/PerlIO-gzip-0.17

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Atsushi Kobayashi nekok****@users*****
2005年 6月 19日 (日) 00:06:54 JST

Index: docs/modules/PerlIO-gzip-0.17/Gzip.pod
diff -u /dev/null docs/modules/PerlIO-gzip-0.17/Gzip.pod:1.1
--- /dev/null	Sun Jun 19 00:06:54 2005
+++ docs/modules/PerlIO-gzip-0.17/Gzip.pod	Sun Jun 19 00:06:54 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+=head1 NAME
+PerlIO::gzip - Perl extension to provide a PerlIO layer to gzip/gunzip
+PerlIO::gzip - PerlIOレイヤーをgzip/gunzipに提供するPerl拡張
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+  use PerlIO::gzip;
+  open FOO, "<:gzip", "file.gz" or die $!;
+  print while <FOO>; # そしてそれは解凍されるでしょう...
+  binmode FOO, ":gzip(none)" # ここから圧縮されたストリームを読み始める
+PerlIO::gzip provides a PerlIO layer that manipulates files in the format used
+by the C<gzip> program.  Compression and Decompression are implemented, but
+not together.  If you attempt to open a file for reading and writing the open
+will fail.
+=head1 EXPORT
+PerlIO::gzip exports no subroutines or symbols, just a perl layer C<gzip>
+The C<gzip> layer takes a comma separated list of arguments. 4 exclusive
+options choose the header checking mode:
+=over 4
+=item gzip
+The default.  Expects a standard gzip file header for reading, writes a
+standard gzip file header.
+デフォルトです. 読み込む為の標準のgzipファイルヘッダーを予想し,標準gzipファイルヘッダに書き込みます.
+=item none
+Expects or writes no file header; assumes the file handle is immediately a
+deflate stream (eg as would be found inside a C<zip> file)
+圧縮されたストリームと仮定します(例えば zipファイルで見つけられるように)
+=item auto
+Potentially dangerous. If the first two bytes match the C<gzip> header
+"\x1f\x8b" then a gzip header is assumed (and checked) else a deflate stream
+is assumed.  No different from gzip on writing.
+=item autopop
+Potentially dangerous. If the first two bytes match the C<gzip> header
+"\x1f\x8b" then a gzip header is assumed (and checked) else the layer is
+silently popped.  This results in gzip files being transparently
+decompressed, other files being treated normally.  Of course, this has sides
+effects such as File::Copy becoming gunzip, and File::Compare comparing
+the uncompressed contents of files.
+In autopop mode Opening a handle for writing (or reading and writing) will
+cause the gzip layer to automatically be popped.
+Optionally you can add this flag:
+=over 4
+=item lazy
+For reading, defer header checking until the first read.  For writing, don't
+write a header until the first buffer empty of compressed data to disk.
+(and don't write anything at all if no data was written to the handle)
+By default, gzip header checking is done before the C<open> (or C<binmode>)
+returns, so if an error is detected in the gzip header the C<open> or
+C<binmode> will fail.  However, this will require reading some data, or writing
+a header.  With lazy set on a file opened for reading the check is deferred
+until the first read so the C<open> should always succeed, but any problems
+with the header will cause an error on read.
+デフォルトで,gzipヘッダのチェックはC<open> (または C<binmode>)の前に実施され返される,
+  open FOO, "<:gzip(lazy)", "file.gz" or die $!; #  危険.
+  while (<FOO>) {
+    print;
+  } # ワオ.駄目ですね. あなたはエラーとEOFを見分けていません.
+If you're not careful you won't spot the errors - like the example above
+you'll think you got end of file.
+lazy is ignored if you are in autopop mode.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Nicholas Clark, E<lt>nick****@talki*****<gt>
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<perl>, L<gzip>, L<rfc 1952|http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1952.txt> (the gzip
+file format specification), L<rfc 1951|http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1951.txt>
+(DEFLATE compressed data format specification)
+=head1 翻訳者
+ atsushi kobayashi(nekok****@users*****)

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