[macemacsjp-english 730] Re: Configuring Auctex and flyspell

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Brian J. Lopes statm****@gmail*****
Sun Nov 5 13:54:00 JST 2006


I don't want to overwhelm people.  It seems quite clear to me that
configuring AUCTeX is the problem.  I have a .emacs file with just:

(require 'tex-site)
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill)

And I'm not even getting auto-fill turned on.  Is anybody else having
this problem with the November build of Carbon Emacs 1.6.0?  

If it's as stupid as telling me to go through the AUCTeX manual again,
I would appreciate that.  I'm just wondering where the problem is.
LaTeX is my lifeblood on Emacs, and I've always relied on Carbon Emacs
to be my "money maker" when it comes to my dissertation work.  This
solid build has helped my move to OS X, and made me never turn back
from Windows on my laptop. 

Thanks for even reading the message, even if you don't have much
input.  I know I mostly only learn from this listserv, because my
understanding of Emacs can be so limited at times.  Just when I think
I might be a GNU/Linux l33t, I can't even configure my text editor to
work the way I want. <sigh> So much to learn.

Brian J. Lopes
PhD Student
Department of Statistics and Operations Research
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

To know that we know what we know, and that we do not know what we do
not know, that is true knowledge --Henry David Thoreau (quoting
Confucius): Walden  

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