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Descripción del Proyecto

Scout Tracker tracks Boy Scout advancements towards their Eagle Scout. Scouts can monitor their camping nights, service hours, and leadership. Scoutmasters can let the boys know about incomplete requirements without affecting advancement records. Worksheets created for the scouts are stored in a database for easy view and hide access. Scouts can view the progress of all scouts to enable them to find other scouts who need to work on the same requirement or merit badge. Only leaders and administrators can change data on the site. The best part is that parents and scouts can access their information anytime they want without having to call the Scoutmaster.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2004-08-29 04:34 Back to release list

Esta versión corrige algunos bugs de seguridad importantes en materia de contraseñas y grupos de usuarios. Fija los campos de fecha para aceptar varios tipos de formatos de fecha y formato para su formato de fecha de MySQL. Cambia main.css para dar cabida a una mirada más actualizada a las páginas.
Tags: Major bugfixes
This release fixes some major security bugs regarding
passwords and user groups. It fixes date fields to accept
multiple types of date formats and reformat them for MySQL
date format. It changes main.css to accommodate a more
updated look to pages.

Project Resources