Simple Project List Software Map

137 projects in result set
Última actualización: 2001-08-15 13:42


html2latex is a Perl script to convert HTML to LaTeX. It handles nested tables, lists, headers, pictures, URLs, and has the option to create a PDF as well.

Última actualización: 2010-03-23 21:30


svninfo is used to extract the revision and file
information provided by the Subversion revision
control system. To present the version
information of a document, one needs to extract
it from some kind of text inserted by the revision
control system. Subversion offers therefore the
Id keyword, which is expanded by the Subversion
update command and contains a lot of useful
information. This information is made available
through this package.

(Machine Translation)
Última actualización: 2011-11-28 22:49

TeXlipse plugin

The TeXlipse plugin adds LaTeX editing support to
the Eclipse IDE. It provides both LaTeX and BibTeX
editors, a project creation wizard, and a complete
user manual of the editor functions. Additional
features include syntax highlighting, document
outline, section folding, command completion, cite
and ref completion, templates, builder
integration, viewer integration with inverse
search, and more. The plugin makes it possible for
LaTeX documents to be edited and built like normal
projects in an IDE, and the viewer support makes
it easy to check the outcome.

(Machine Translation)
Última actualización: 2012-10-11 21:09


Grutatxt is a plain text to HTML (and other
formats) converter. It successfully converts
subtle text markup to lists, bold, italics,
tables, and headings to their corresponding HTML,
troff, man page, or LaTeX markup without having to
write unreadable source text files.

(Machine Translation)
Última actualización: 2007-11-05 06:31


RefDB is a reference database and bibliography tool for SGML, XML, and LaTeX documents. Command-line tools allow interactive or scriptable access to the data which are stored in a SQL database. RefDB can also be accessed through a Web interface, a SRU interface, or via editor extensions (Emacs/vim). Libraries for Perl and PHP are available for programmers. RefDB provides sophisticated character encoding handling, using Unicode by default.

Última actualización: 2002-07-29 20:42


tex2pdf (formerly lyx2pdf) is a script that generates a PDF document from a LaTeX or LyX document using pdf(la)tex and other tools. There is a bash shell and Perl implementation available.

(Machine Translation)
Última actualización: 2003-11-09 13:45

International Ispell

International Ispell is an interactive spell-checking program for Unix, which supports a large number of European languages (only English dictionaries are included in the source tarball). An emacs interface is available, as well as the standard command-line mode.

Última actualización: 2009-02-17 06:15

Project Gutenberg Markup Tool

The Project Gutenberg Markup Tool is a command-line
tool with a GUI front-end that automatically creates an HTML or LaTeX file from a Project Gutenberg etext. The aim is to provide publication-quality formatted etexts,
without manual markup, in conjunction with post-processing by other pre-existing tools. It is tailored specifically to Project Gutenberg etexts, but can in some cases be used for other plain-ASCII etexts.

(Machine Translation)
Última actualización: 2019-02-02 23:00

PGF and TikZ -- Graphic systems for TeX

pgfはグラフィックスを生成するTeXのマクロパッケージです。これは、プラットフォームやフォーマットに依存せず、pdftexとdvipsを含むTeXの最も重要なバックエンドドライバで動作します。PGF にはTikZ という使いやすいシンタックスレイヤーが付属しています。

Última actualización: 2022-02-18 13:29


Xdvi は X ウィンドウ システムで DVI ファイルを表示するプログラムです。Xdvik は、ハイパーリンクのサポートとその他の追加は、例えば TeX のライブ ディストリビューションで展開バリアントです。

(Machine Translation)
Última actualización: 2022-02-24 01:19


Biblatex は書誌設備のフル機能を提供する !LaTeX パッケージです。

(Machine Translation)
Última actualización: 2009-03-13 03:50


dbook is a collection of programs to manage a big book collection on the command line Including: ISBN checker and converter, Amazon book information retrieval, [book data base, lend record] create bibtex out of latex/tex automatically.

DBook is also a Document creation tool which can be found under

(Machine Translation)
Última actualización: 2008-07-07 17:15

Tutorial Pstricks en espanol

チュートリアル デ Pstricks en espanol。

(Machine Translation)
Estado de desarrollo: 1 - Planning
Usuarios objetivo: End Users/Desktop
Lenguaje Natural: Spanish
Sistema Operativo: OS Independent
Última actualización: 2005-10-17 05:29


このプロジェクトは < > に移動なた。それは現在アクティブです。

(Machine Translation)
Última actualización: 2014-06-09 13:43

Khartiya fonts

これらのフォントは X ウィンドウ システム用ビット ストリームによって解放されたビット ストリーム チャーター フォントに基づいています。主な目標は、キリル文字を追加します。加えて、小型英大文字、オールド スタイル数字などの追加のグリフ Khartiya フォントが含まれます。

(Machine Translation)