[perldocjp-cvs 1840] CVS update: docs/modules/Test-Simple-0.99/lib/Test

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ktats****@users***** ktats****@users*****
2013年 11月 10日 (日) 14:17:31 JST

Index: docs/modules/Test-Simple-0.99/lib/Test/More.pod
diff -u /dev/null docs/modules/Test-Simple-0.99/lib/Test/More.pod:1.1
--- /dev/null	Sun Nov 10 14:17:31 2013
+++ docs/modules/Test-Simple-0.99/lib/Test/More.pod	Sun Nov 10 14:17:31 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,2372 @@
+=encoding utf8
+=head1 NAME
+=begin original
+Test::More - yet another framework for writing test scripts
+=end original
+Test::More - テストを書くためのもう一つのフレームワーク
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+  use Test::More tests => 23;
+  # or
+  use Test::More skip_all => $reason;
+  # or
+  use Test::More;   # see done_testing()
+  require_ok( 'Some::Module' );
+  # 「ok」と示すためのさまざまな方法
+  ok($got eq $expected, $test_name);
+  is  ($got, $expected, $test_name);
+  isnt($got, $expected, $test_name);
+  # STDERR に出力するよりも  "# here's what went wrong\n"
+  diag("here's what went wrong");
+  like  ($got, qr/expected/, $test_name);
+  unlike($got, qr/expected/, $test_name);
+  cmp_ok($got, '==', $expected, $test_name);
+  is_deeply($got_complex_structure, $expected_complex_structure, $test_name);
+  SKIP: {
+      skip $why, $how_many unless $have_some_feature;
+      ok( foo(),       $test_name );
+      is( foo(42), 23, $test_name );
+  };
+  TODO: {
+      local $TODO = $why;
+      ok( foo(),       $test_name );
+      is( foo(42), 23, $test_name );
+  };
+  can_ok($module, @methods);
+  isa_ok($object, $class);
+  pass($test_name);
+  fail($test_name);
+  BAIL_OUT($why);
+  my @status = Test::More::status;
+=begin original
+B<STOP!> If you're just getting started writing tests, have a look at
+L<Test::Simple> first.  This is a drop in replacement for Test::Simple
+which you can switch to once you get the hang of basic testing.
+=end original
+=begin original
+The purpose of this module is to provide a wide range of testing
+utilities.  Various ways to say "ok" with better diagnostics,
+facilities to skip tests, test future features and compare complicated
+data structures.  While you can do almost anything with a simple
+C<ok()> function, it doesn't provide good diagnostic output.
+=end original
+=head2 I love it when a plan comes together
+=begin original
+Before anything else, you need a testing plan.  This basically declares
+how many tests your script is going to run to protect against premature
+=end original
+他の何より前に、テストの計画が必要です。 スクリプトが行おうとしているテストが
+=begin original
+The preferred way to do this is to declare a plan when you C<use Test::More>.
+=end original
+この保護を行う好ましい方法は、C<use Test::More> を書く時に、計画を宣言することです。
+  use Test::More tests => 23;
+=begin original
+There are cases when you will not know beforehand how many tests your
+script is going to run.  In this case, you can declare your tests at
+the end.
+=end original
+  use Test::More;
+  ... run your tests ...
+  done_testing( $number_of_tests_run );
+=begin original
+Sometimes you really don't know how many tests were run, or it's too
+difficult to calculate.  In which case you can leave off
+=end original
+そのようなケースでは、$number_of_tests_run を省くことができます。
+=begin original
+In some cases, you'll want to completely skip an entire testing script.
+=end original
+  use Test::More skip_all => $skip_reason;
+=begin original
+Your script will declare a skip with the reason why you skipped and
+exit immediately with a zero (success).  See L<Test::Harness> for
+=end original
+=begin original
+If you want to control what functions Test::More will export, you
+have to use the 'import' option.  For example, to import everything
+but 'fail', you'd do:
+=end original
+  use Test::More tests => 23, import => ['!fail'];
+=begin original
+Alternatively, you can use the plan() function.  Useful for when you
+have to calculate the number of tests.
+=end original
+代わりに、plan() 関数を使うことが出来ます。
+  use Test::More;
+  plan tests => keys %Stuff * 3;
+=begin original
+or for deciding between running the tests at all:
+=end original
+  use Test::More;
+  if( $^O eq 'MacOS' ) {
+      plan skip_all => 'Test irrelevant on MacOS';
+  }
+  else {
+      plan tests => 42;
+  }
+=over 4
+=item B<done_testing>
+    done_testing();
+    done_testing($number_of_tests);
+=begin original
+If you don't know how many tests you're going to run, you can issue
+the plan when you're done running tests.
+=end original
+=begin original
+$number_of_tests is the same as plan(), it's the number of tests you
+expected to run.  You can omit this, in which case the number of tests
+you ran doesn't matter, just the fact that your tests ran to
+=end original
+$number_of_tests は、plan()と同じです。実行しようとしているテストの数です。
+=begin original
+This is safer than and replaces the "no_plan" plan.
+=end original
+=head2 Test names
+=begin original
+By convention, each test is assigned a number in order.  This is
+largely done automatically for you.  However, it's often very useful to
+assign a name to each test.  Which would you rather see:
+=end original
+  ok 4
+  not ok 5
+  ok 6
+=begin original
+=end original
+  ok 4 - basic multi-variable
+  not ok 5 - simple exponential
+  ok 6 - force == mass * acceleration
+=begin original
+The later gives you some idea of what failed.  It also makes it easier
+to find the test in your script, simply search for "simple
+=end original
+=begin original
+All test functions take a name argument.  It's optional, but highly
+suggested that you use it.
+=end original
+=head2 I'm ok, you're not ok.
+=begin original
+The basic purpose of this module is to print out either "ok #" or "not
+ok #" depending on if a given test succeeded or failed.  Everything
+else is just gravy.
+=end original
+「ok 番号」か、「not ok 番号」のどちらかを出力することです。他の全ては、ただのおまけです。
+=begin original
+All of the following print "ok" or "not ok" depending on if the test
+succeeded or failed.  They all also return true or false,
+=end original
+この下に書いているものは全て、テストが成功したか失敗したかどうかによって、「ok」か「not ok」を表示します。
+=over 4
+=item B<ok>
+  ok($got eq $expected, $test_name);
+=begin original
+This simply evaluates any expression (C<$got eq $expected> is just a
+simple example) and uses that to determine if the test succeeded or
+failed.  A true expression passes, a false one fails.  Very simple.
+=end original
+これは単純に、どんな式も評価します(C<$got eq $expected>はただの簡単な例です)。
+=begin original
+For example:
+=end original
+    ok( $exp{9} == 81,                   'simple exponential' );
+    ok( Film->can('db_Main'),            'set_db()' );
+    ok( $p->tests == 4,                  'saw tests' );
+    ok( !grep(!defined $_, @items),      'all items defined' );
+=begin original
+(Mnemonic:  "This is ok.")
+=end original
+(覚えかた:  "This is ok.")
+=begin original
+$test_name is a very short description of the test that will be printed
+out.  It makes it very easy to find a test in your script when it fails
+and gives others an idea of your intentions.  $test_name is optional,
+but we B<very> strongly encourage its use.
+=end original
+=begin original
+Should an ok() fail, it will produce some diagnostics:
+=end original
+    not ok 18 - sufficient mucus
+    #   Failed test 'sufficient mucus'
+    #   in foo.t at line 42.
+=begin original
+This is the same as Test::Simple's ok() routine.
+=end original
+これは、Test::SimpleのC<ok()> ルーチンと同じです。
+=item B<is>
+=item B<isnt>
+  is  ( $got, $expected, $test_name );
+  isnt( $got, $expected, $test_name );
+=begin original
+Similar to ok(), is() and isnt() compare their two arguments
+with C<eq> and C<ne> respectively and use the result of that to
+determine if the test succeeded or failed.  So these:
+=end original
+ok() と is() と isnt() の類似点は、二つの引数をそれぞれC<eq> と C<ne>で比較し、
+    # Is the ultimate answer 42?
+    is( ultimate_answer(), 42,          "Meaning of Life" );
+    # $foo isn't empty
+    isnt( $foo, '',     "Got some foo" );
+=begin original
+are similar to these:
+=end original
+    ok( ultimate_answer() eq 42,        "Meaning of Life" );
+    ok( $foo ne '',     "Got some foo" );
+(覚えかた:  "This is that."  "This isn't that.")
+=begin original
+C<undef> will only ever match C<undef>.  So you can test a value
+against C<undef> like this:
+=end original
+C<undef>は C<undef>にのみマッチします。C<undef>にたいして値をテストしたければ、
+    is($not_defined, undef, "undefined as expected");
+=begin original
+(Mnemonic:  "This is that."  "This isn't that.")
+=end original
+(覚え方:  "This is that."  "This isn't that.")
+=begin original
+So why use these?  They produce better diagnostics on failure.  ok()
+cannot know what you are testing for (beyond the name), but is() and
+isnt() know what the test was and why it failed.  For example this
+=end original
+どうしてこれらを使うのでしょう? is() と isnt() は、失敗に関して、よりよい診断をだします。
+    my $foo = 'waffle';  my $bar = 'yarblokos';
+    is( $foo, $bar,   'Is foo the same as bar?' );
+=begin original
+Will produce something like this:
+=end original
+    not ok 17 - Is foo the same as bar?
+    #   Failed test 'Is foo the same as bar?'
+    #   in foo.t at line 139.
+    #          got: 'waffle'
+    #     expected: 'yarblokos'
+=begin original
+So you can figure out what went wrong without rerunning the test.
+=end original
+=begin original
+You are encouraged to use is() and isnt() over ok() where possible,
+however do not be tempted to use them to find out if something is
+true or false!
+=end original
+可能なら、is() と isnt()をok()の代わりに使うことを勧めます。
+is() と isnt() を使おうとしてはいけません!
+  # XXX BAD!
+  is( exists $brooklyn{tree}, 1, 'A tree grows in Brooklyn' );
+=begin original
+This does not check if C<exists $brooklyn{tree}> is true, it checks if
+it returns 1.  Very different.  Similar caveats exist for false and 0.
+In these cases, use ok().
+=end original
+このコードは、C<exsits $brooklyn{tree}> が真であるかどうかをチェックしません。
+似たような警告は、偽 と 0 にも在ります。こういうケースでは、ok() を使います。
+  ok( exists $brooklyn{tree},    'A tree grows in Brooklyn' );
+=begin original
+A simple call to isnt() usually does not provide a strong test but there
+are cases when you cannot say much more about a value than that it is
+different from some other value:
+=end original
+単純に isnt() を呼び出すのは、普通、強いテストを提供しません。
+  new_ok $obj, "Foo";
+  my $clone = $obj->clone;
+  isa_ok $obj, "Foo", "Foo->clone";
+  isnt $obj, $clone, "clone() produces a different object";
+=begin original
+For those grammatical pedants out there, there's an C<isn't()>
+function which is an alias of isnt().
+=end original
+文法学者ぶる人のために、書いておくと、C<isn't()> 関数は isnt()関数の
+=item B<like>
+  like( $got, qr/expected/, $test_name );
+=begin original
+Similar to ok(), like() matches $got against the regex C<qr/expected/>.
+=end original
+ok() と似ていますが、like() は、 引数の$gotを正規表現のC<qr/expected/>にマッチさせます。
+=begin original
+So this:
+=end original
+    like($got, qr/expected/, 'this is like that');
+=begin original
+is similar to:
+=end original
+    ok( $got =~ m/expected/, 'this is like that');
+=begin original
+(Mnemonic "This is like that".)
+=end original
+(覚えかた  "This is like that".)
+=begin original
+The second argument is a regular expression.  It may be given as a
+regex reference (i.e. C<qr//>) or (for better compatibility with older
+perls) as a string that looks like a regex (alternative delimiters are
+currently not supported):
+=end original
+    like( $got, '/expected/', 'this is like that' );
+=begin original
+Regex options may be placed on the end (C<'/expected/i'>).
+=end original
+正規表現のオプションは終わりに置かれます (C<'/expected/i'>)。
+=begin original
+Its advantages over ok() are similar to that of is() and isnt().  Better
+diagnostics on failure.
+=end original
+ok()と比べたときの利点は、is() と isnt()の利点に似ています。
+=item B<unlike>
+  unlike( $got, qr/expected/, $test_name );
+=begin original
+Works exactly as like(), only it checks if $got B<does not> match the
+given pattern.
+=end original
+like()のように働きますが、 $got が与えたパターンにマッチB<しない>ことだけを
+=item B<cmp_ok>
+  cmp_ok( $got, $op, $expected, $test_name );
+=begin original
+Halfway between C<ok()> and C<is()> lies C<cmp_ok()>.  This allows you
+to compare two arguments using any binary perl operator.  The test
+passes if the comparison is true and fails otherwise.
+=end original
+C<ok()> と C<is()> の中間に C<cmp_ok()> があります。 
+The test passes if the comparison is true and fails otherwise.
+    # ok( $got eq $expected );
+    cmp_ok( $got, 'eq', $expected, 'this eq that' );
+    # ok( $got == $expected );
+    cmp_ok( $got, '==', $expected, 'this == that' );
+    # ok( $got && $expected );
+    cmp_ok( $got, '&&', $expected, 'this && that' );
+    ...etc...
+=begin original
+Its advantage over ok() is when the test fails you'll know what $got
+and $expected were:
+=end original
+ok()と比べたときの cmp_ok の 利点は、テストが失敗したときに、
+$got と $expected が何かがわかることです。
+    not ok 1
+    #   Failed test in foo.t at line 12.
+    #     '23'
+    #         &&
+    #     undef
+=begin original
+It's also useful in those cases where you are comparing numbers and
+is()'s use of C<eq> will interfere:
+=end original
+cmp_ok は、数を比較する際や、is() を eq として使うことが、干渉する際に、有益でしょう:
+    cmp_ok( $big_hairy_number, '==', $another_big_hairy_number );
+=begin original
+It's especially useful when comparing greater-than or smaller-than 
+relation between values:
+=end original
+    cmp_ok( $some_value, '<=', $upper_limit );
+=item B<can_ok>
+  can_ok($module, @methods);
+  can_ok($object, @methods);
+=begin original
+Checks to make sure the $module or $object can do these @methods
+(works with functions, too).
+=end original
+$module か $object が 複数のメソッド(または、関数)@methodsを実行できるかをチェックします。
+    can_ok('Foo', qw(this that whatever));
+=begin original
+is almost exactly like saying:
+=end original
+    ok( Foo->can('this') && 
+        Foo->can('that') && 
+        Foo->can('whatever') 
+      );
+=begin original
+only without all the typing and with a better interface.  Handy for
+quickly testing an interface.
+=end original
+=begin original
+No matter how many @methods you check, a single can_ok() call counts
+as one test.  If you desire otherwise, use:
+=end original
+いくつの @methods があるか、チェックすることは、大したことではありません。
+一つの can_ok() は一つのテストとして、カウントされます。
+    foreach my $meth (@methods) {
+        can_ok('Foo', $meth);
+    }
+=item B<isa_ok>
+  isa_ok($object,   $class, $object_name);
+  isa_ok($subclass, $class, $object_name);
+  isa_ok($ref,      $type,  $ref_name);
+=begin original
+Checks to see if the given C<< $object->isa($class) >>.  Also checks to make
+sure the object was defined in the first place.  Handy for this sort
+of thing:
+=end original
+C<< $object->isa($class) >>が与えられているかどうかを見るためのチェック。
+    my $obj = Some::Module->new;
+    isa_ok( $obj, 'Some::Module' );
+=begin original
+where you'd otherwise have to write
+=end original
+    my $obj = Some::Module->new;
+    ok( defined $obj && $obj->isa('Some::Module') );
+=begin original
+to safeguard against your test script blowing up.
+=end original
+=begin original
+You can also test a class, to make sure that it has the right ancestor:
+=end original
+    isa_ok( 'Vole', 'Rodent' );
+=begin original
+It works on references, too:
+=end original
+    isa_ok( $array_ref, 'ARRAY' );
+=begin original
+The diagnostics of this test normally just refer to 'the object'.  If
+you'd like them to be more specific, you can supply an $object_name
+(for example 'Test customer').
+=end original
+(たとえば、'Test customer')を供給できます。
+=item B<new_ok>
+  my $obj = new_ok( $class );
+  my $obj = new_ok( $class => \@args );
+  my $obj = new_ok( $class => \@args, $object_name );
+=begin original
+A convenience function which combines creating an object and calling
+isa_ok() on that object.
+=end original
+オブジェクトを作り、 そのオブジェクトで、isa_ok() の呼び出しをくっつけた
+=begin original
+It is basically equivalent to:
+=end original
+    my $obj = $class->new(@args);
+    isa_ok $obj, $class, $object_name;
+=begin original
+If @args is not given, an empty list will be used.
+=end original
+ @ argsが与えられなければ、空のリストが使われます。
+=begin original
+This function only works on new() and it assumes new() will return
+just a single object which isa C<$class>.
+=end original
+この関数は、 new() でのみ動き、new()が C<$class>と isa である
+=item B<subtest>
+    subtest $name => \&code;
+=begin original
+subtest() runs the &code as its own little test with its own plan and
+its own result.  The main test counts this as a single test using the
+result of the whole subtest to determine if its ok or not ok.
+=end original
+subtest() &code をそれ自身の計画と結果をもつそれ自身小さなテストとして、実行します。
+サブテスト全体の結果を使って、ok か not ok か決定します。
+=begin original
+For example...
+=end original
+  use Test::More tests => 3;
+  pass("First test");
+  subtest 'An example subtest' => sub {
+      plan tests => 2;
+      pass("This is a subtest");
+      pass("So is this");
+  };
+  pass("Third test");
+=begin original
+This would produce.
+=end original
+  1..3
+  ok 1 - First test
+      # Subtest: An example subtest
+      1..2
+      ok 1 - This is a subtest
+      ok 2 - So is this
+  ok 2 - An example subtest
+  ok 3 - Third test
+=begin original
+A subtest may call "skip_all".  No tests will be run, but the subtest is
+considered a skip.
+=end original
+subtest は skip されたと考えられます。
+  subtest 'skippy' => sub {
+      plan skip_all => 'cuz I said so';
+      pass('this test will never be run');
+  };
+=begin original
+Returns true if the subtest passed, false otherwise.
+=end original
+=begin original
+Due to how subtests work, you may omit a plan if you desire.  This adds an
+implicit C<done_testing()> to the end of your subtest.  The following two
+subtests are equivalent:
+=end original
+C<done_testing()> を暗に行い、サブテストを終わらせます。以下の2つの
+  subtest 'subtest with implicit done_testing()', sub {
+      ok 1, 'subtests with an implicit done testing should work';
+      ok 1, '... and support more than one test';
+      ok 1, '... no matter how many tests are run';
+  };
+  subtest 'subtest with explicit done_testing()', sub {
+      ok 1, 'subtests with an explicit done testing should work';
+      ok 1, '... and support more than one test';
+      ok 1, '... no matter how many tests are run';
+      done_testing();
+  };
+=item B<pass>
+=item B<fail>
+  pass($test_name);
+  fail($test_name);
+=begin original
+Sometimes you just want to say that the tests have passed.  Usually
+the case is you've got some complicated condition that is difficult to
+wedge into an ok().  In this case, you can simply use pass() (to
+declare the test ok) or fail (for not ok).  They are synonyms for
+ok(1) and ok(0).
+=end original
+こういう場合、単純にpass()(テストがokであると宣言するために)か、fail(not ok のために)
+=begin original
+Use these very, very, very sparingly.
+=end original
+pass() と fail() を使うことはひじょーに慎重に判断してください。
+=head2 Module tests
+=begin original
+Sometimes you want to test if a module, or a list of modules, can
+successfully load.  For example, you'll often want a first test which
+simply loads all the modules in the distribution to make sure they
+work before going on to do more complicated testing.
+=end original
+=begin original
+For such purposes we have C<use_ok> and C<require_ok>.
+=end original
+=over 4
+=item B<require_ok>
+   require_ok($module);
+   require_ok($file);
+=begin original
+Tries to C<require> the given $module or $file.  If it loads
+successfully, the test will pass.  Otherwise it fails and displays the
+load error.
+=end original
+与えられた $module か $file を C<require> を試して、成功すれば、
+=begin original
+C<require_ok> will guess whether the input is a module name or a
+=end original
+=begin original
+No exception will be thrown if the load fails.
+=end original
+    # require Some::Module
+    require_ok "Some::Module";
+    # require "Some/File.pl";
+    require_ok "Some/File.pl";
+    # stop testing if any of your modules will not load
+    for my $module (@module) {
+        require_ok $module or BAIL_OUT "Can't load $module";
+    }
+=item B<use_ok>
+   BEGIN { use_ok($module); }
+   BEGIN { use_ok($module, @imports); }
+=begin original
+Like C<require_ok>, but it will C<use> the $module in question and
+only loads modules, not files.
+=end original
+C<require_ok>と似ていますが、$module を C<use>します。
+=begin original
+If you just want to test a module can be loaded, use C<require_ok>.
+=end original
+=begin original
+If you just want to load a module in a test, we recommend simply using
+C<use> directly.  It will cause the test to stop.
+=end original
+テストでモジュールをロードしたければ、単純に C<use>を直接に使うことを
+=begin original
+It's recommended that you run use_ok() inside a BEGIN block so its
+functions are exported at compile-time and prototypes are properly
+=end original
+BEGIN ブロック内で、use_ok() を走らせることを推奨します。
+=begin original
+If @imports are given, they are passed through to the use.  So this:
+=end original
+ @ import が与えれた場合、use の際に渡されます。次のように :
+   BEGIN { use_ok('Some::Module', qw(foo bar)) }
+=begin original
+is like doing this:
+=end original
+   use Some::Module qw(foo bar);
+=begin original
+Version numbers can be checked like so:
+=end original
+   # Just like "use Some::Module 1.02"
+   BEGIN { use_ok('Some::Module', 1.02) }
+=begin original
+Don't try to do this:
+=end original
+   BEGIN {
+       use_ok('Some::Module');
+       ...some code that depends on the use...
+       ...happening at compile time...
+   }
+=begin original
+because the notion of "compile-time" is relative.  Instead, you want:
+=end original
+  BEGIN { use_ok('Some::Module') }
+  BEGIN { ...some code that depends on the use... }
+If you want the equivalent of C<use Foo ()>, use a module but not
+import anything, use C<require_ok>.
+=end original
+C<use Foo ()>と同等のものがほしければ、,モジュールを使うけれど、
+  BEGIN { require_ok "Foo" }
+=head2 Complex data structures
+=begin original
+Not everything is a simple eq check or regex.  There are times you
+need to see if two data structures are equivalent.  For these
+instances Test::More provides a handful of useful functions.
+=end original
+全てが、単純なeq チェックや、正規表現 ではありません。
+=begin original
+B<NOTE> I'm not quite sure what will happen with filehandles.
+=end original
+=over 4
+=item B<is_deeply>
+  is_deeply( $got, $expected, $test_name );
+=begin original
+Similar to is(), except that if $got and $expected are references, it
+does a deep comparison walking each data structure to see if they are
+equivalent.  If the two structures are different, it will display the
+place where they start differing.
+=end original
+is()と似ていますが、$got と $expectedが、リファレンスです。
+=begin original
+is_deeply() compares the dereferenced values of references, the
+references themselves (except for their type) are ignored.  This means
+aspects such as blessing and ties are not considered "different".
+=end original
+is_deeply() は、リファレンスの値の違いを比較します、
+つまり、blessや tie のような側面は、"違う"と考えられません。
+=begin original
+is_deeply() currently has very limited handling of function reference
+and globs.  It merely checks if they have the same referent.  This may
+improve in the future.
+=end original
+is_deeply() は、今のところ、関数リファレンスとglobのハンドリングは
+非常に限定的です。単純に、同じ referent を持っているかをチェックします。
+=begin original
+L<Test::Differences> and L<Test::Deep> provide more in-depth functionality
+along these lines.
+=end original
+=head2 Diagnostics
+=begin original
+If you pick the right test function, you'll usually get a good idea of
+what went wrong when it failed.  But sometimes it doesn't work out
+that way.  So here we have ways for you to write your own diagnostic
+messages which are safer than just C<print STDERR>.
+=end original
+C<print STDERR> よりも、安全です。
+=over 4
+=item B<diag>
+  diag(@diagnostic_message);
+=begin original
+Prints a diagnostic message which is guaranteed not to interfere with
+test output.  Like C<print> @diagnostic_message is simply concatenated
+=end original
+C<print> のように、@diagnostic_message を単純に一緒につなぎます。
+=begin original
+Returns false, so as to preserve failure.
+=end original
+=begin original
+Handy for this sort of thing:
+=end original
+    ok( grep(/foo/, @users), "There's a foo user" ) or
+        diag("Since there's no foo, check that /etc/bar is set up right");
+=begin original
+which would produce:
+=end original
+    not ok 42 - There's a foo user
+    #   Failed test 'There's a foo user'
+    #   in foo.t at line 52.
+    # Since there's no foo, check that /etc/bar is set up right.
+=begin original
+You might remember C<ok() or diag()> with the mnemonic C<open() or
+=end original
+C<ok() or diag()>を、C<open() or die()> のように覚えると覚えやすいでしょう。
+=begin original
+B<NOTE> The exact formatting of the diagnostic output is still
+changing, but it is guaranteed that whatever you throw at it won't
+interfere with the test.
+=end original
+B<注意> 診断の出力のためのフォーマットは、まだまだ流動的です。
+changing, but it is guaranteed that whatever you throw at it won't
+=item B<note>
+  note(@diagnostic_message);
+=begin original
+Like diag(), except the message will not be seen when the test is run
+in a harness.  It will only be visible in the verbose TAP stream.
+=end original
+=begin original
+Handy for putting in notes which might be useful for debugging, but
+don't indicate a problem.
+=end original
+    note("Tempfile is $tempfile");
+=item B<explain>
+  my @dump = explain @diagnostic_message;
+=begin original
+Will dump the contents of any references in a human readable format.
+Usually you want to pass this into C<note> or C<diag>.
+=end original
+C<not> や C<diag>に与えたいと思うでしょう。
+=begin original
+Handy for things like...
+=end original
+    is_deeply($have, $want) || diag explain $have;
+=begin original
+=end original
+    note explain \%args;
+    Some::Class->method(%args);
+=head2 Conditional tests
+=begin original
+Sometimes running a test under certain conditions will cause the
+test script to die.  A certain function or method isn't implemented
+(such as fork() on MacOS), some resource isn't available (like a 
+net connection) or a module isn't available.  In these cases it's
+necessary to skip tests, or declare that they are supposed to fail
+but will work in the future (a todo test).
+=end original
+将来的に動く(a todo test)であろうということを宣言しなければなりません。
+=begin original
+For more details on the mechanics of skip and todo tests see
+=end original
+skip と todo テストの機構の詳細は、C<Test::Harness>を見て下さい。
+=begin original
+The way Test::More handles this is with a named block.  Basically, a
+block of tests which can be skipped over or made todo.  It's best if I
+just show you...
+=end original
+名前のついたブロックと一緒にあるTest::More ハンドルの使い方。
+基本的にテストのブロックは、スキップさせるか、todo にするかです。
+=over 4
+=item B<SKIP: BLOCK>
+  SKIP: {
+      skip $why, $how_many if $condition;
+      ...normal testing code goes here...
+  }
+=begin original
+This declares a block of tests that might be skipped, $how_many tests
+there are, $why and under what $condition to skip them.  An example is
+the easiest way to illustrate:
+=end original
+$how_many はテストの数、 $why は理由、$conditionは、
+    SKIP: {
+        eval { require HTML::Lint };
+        skip "HTML::Lint not installed", 2 if $@;
+        my $lint = new HTML::Lint;
+        isa_ok( $lint, "HTML::Lint" );
+        $lint->parse( $html );
+        is( $lint->errors, 0, "No errors found in HTML" );
+    }
+=begin original
+If the user does not have HTML::Lint installed, the whole block of
+code I<won't be run at all>.  Test::More will output special ok's
+which Test::Harness interprets as skipped, but passing, tests.
+=end original
+ユーザが、HTML::Lint をインストールしていなければ、全てのブロックコードは、
+I<まったく実行されないでしょう>。 Test::Moreは、特別な ok() を出力し、
+Test::Harnes は、テストをスキップしたが、合格したと解釈します。
+=begin original
+It's important that $how_many accurately reflects the number of tests
+in the SKIP block so the # of tests run will match up with your plan.
+If your plan is C<no_plan> $how_many is optional and will default to 1.
+=end original
+$how_many が正しくSKIP ブロックの中のテストの数を反映することは重要です。
+もし、計画がC<no_plan>であれば、$how_many はオプションで、デフォルトは1になります。
+=begin original
+It's perfectly safe to nest SKIP blocks.  Each SKIP block must have
+the label C<SKIP>, or Test::More can't work its magic.
+=end original
+=begin original
+You don't skip tests which are failing because there's a bug in your
+program, or for which you don't yet have code written.  For that you
+use TODO.  Read on.
+=end original
+TODO の使い方を書くので、読み続けてください。
+=item B<TODO: BLOCK>
+    TODO: {
+        local $TODO = $why if $condition;
+        ...ふつうのテストコードをここに続けてください...
+    }
+=begin original
+Declares a block of tests you expect to fail and $why.  Perhaps it's
+because you haven't fixed a bug or haven't finished a new feature:
+=end original
+失敗すると予測しているテストと、$why のブロックを宣言します。
+    TODO: {
+        local $TODO = "URI::Geller not finished";
+        my $card = "Eight of clubs";
+        is( URI::Geller->your_card, $card, 'Is THIS your card?' );
+        my $spoon;
+        URI::Geller->bend_spoon;
+        is( $spoon, 'bent',    "Spoon bending, that's original" );
+    }
+=begin original
+With a todo block, the tests inside are expected to fail.  Test::More
+will run the tests normally, but print out special flags indicating
+they are "todo".  Test::Harness will interpret failures as being ok.
+Should anything succeed, it will report it as an unexpected success.
+You then know the thing you had todo is done and can remove the
+TODO flag.
+=end original
+todoブロックでは、その中のテストは、失敗すると予期されます。Test::More は、
+Test::Harness は、この失敗を ok であると解釈します。
+=begin original
+The nice part about todo tests, as opposed to simply commenting out a
+block of tests, is it's like having a programmatic todo list.  You know
+how much work is left to be done, you're aware of what bugs there are,
+and you'll know immediately when they're fixed.
+=end original
+todo テストの良いところは、テストのブロックを単純にコメントアウトすることではなく、
+=begin original
+Once a todo test starts succeeding, simply move it outside the block.
+When the block is empty, delete it.
+=end original
+=item B<todo_skip>
+    TODO: {
+        todo_skip $why, $how_many if $condition;
+        ...normal testing code...
+    }
+=begin original
+With todo tests, it's best to have the tests actually run.  That way
+you'll know when they start passing.  Sometimes this isn't possible.
+Often a failing test will cause the whole program to die or hang, even
+inside an C<eval BLOCK> with and using C<alarm>.  In these extreme
+cases you have no choice but to skip over the broken tests entirely.
+=end original
+todo テストでは、実際にテストをなるべく走らせようとします。
+C<eval BLOCK>の内側で、C<alarm>を使っても。
+=begin original
+The syntax and behavior is similar to a C<SKIP: BLOCK> except the
+tests will be marked as failing but todo.  Test::Harness will
+interpret them as passing.
+=end original
+構文や振る舞いがC<SKIP: BLOCK>に似ています。
+Test::Harness は、テストに合格していると解釈します。
+=item When do I use SKIP vs. TODO?
+(SKIP 対 TODO をどのように使い分けるのでしょう?)
+=begin original
+B<If it's something the user might not be able to do>, use SKIP.
+This includes optional modules that aren't installed, running under
+an OS that doesn't have some feature (like fork() or symlinks), or maybe
+you need an Internet connection and one isn't available.
+=end original
+=begin original
+B<If it's something the programmer hasn't done yet>, use TODO.  This
+is for any code you haven't written yet, or bugs you have yet to fix,
+but want to put tests in your testing script (always a good idea).
+=end original
+B<もし、プログラマがまだ、やっていないときには>、TODO を使ってください。
+=head2 Test control
+=over 4
+=item B<BAIL_OUT>
+    BAIL_OUT($reason);
+=begin original
+Indicates to the harness that things are going so badly all testing
+should terminate.  This includes the running of any additional test scripts.
+=end original
+=begin original
+This is typically used when testing cannot continue such as a critical
+module failing to compile or a necessary external utility not being
+available such as a database connection failing.
+=end original
+=begin original
+The test will exit with 255.
+=end original
+For even better control look at L<Test::Most>.
+=head2 Discouraged comparison functions
+=begin original
+The use of the following functions is discouraged as they are not
+actually testing functions and produce no diagnostics to help figure
+out what went wrong.  They were written before is_deeply() existed
+because I couldn't figure out how to display a useful diff of two
+arbitrary data structures.
+=end original
+is_deeply() ができるより前に書かれた関数で、2つの任意のデータ構造の
+=begin original
+These functions are usually used inside an ok().
+=end original
+これらは、ok() の中で使われるのが普通です。
+    ok( eq_array(\@got, \@expected) );
+C<is_deeply()> can do that better and with diagnostics.  
+    is_deeply( \@got, \@expected );
+=begin original
+They may be deprecated in future versions.
+=end original
+=over 4
+=item B<eq_array>
+  my $is_eq = eq_array(\@got, \@expected);
+=begin original
+Checks if two arrays are equivalent.  This is a deep check, so
+multi-level structures are handled correctly.
+=end original
+=item B<eq_hash>
+  my $is_eq = eq_hash(\%got, \%expected);
+=begin original
+Determines if the two hashes contain the same keys and values.  This
+is a deep check.
+=end original
+=item B<eq_set>
+  my $is_eq = eq_set(\@got, \@expected);
+=begin original
+Similar to eq_array(), except the order of the elements is B<not>
+important.  This is a deep check, but the irrelevancy of order only
+applies to the top level.
+=end original
+eq_array() とにていますが、要素の順番は重要ではありません。
+    ok( eq_set(\@got, \@expected) );
+=begin original
+Is better written:
+=end original
+    is_deeply( [sort @got], [sort @expected] );
+=begin original
+B<NOTE> By historical accident, this is not a true set comparison.
+While the order of elements does not matter, duplicate elements do.
+=end original
+B<注意>。歴史的な都合により、これは、本当の set の比較ではありません。
+=begin original
+B<NOTE> eq_set() does not know how to deal with references at the top
+level.  The following is an example of a comparison which might not work:
+=end original
+B<注意>。eq_set() は、トップレベルでリファレンスをどう扱うかを知りません。
+    eq_set([\1, \2], [\2, \1]);
+=begin original
+L<Test::Deep> contains much better set comparison functions.
+=end original
+L<Test::Deep> には、よりよい比較関数のセットがあります。
+=head2 Extending and Embedding Test::More
+=begin original
+Sometimes the Test::More interface isn't quite enough.  Fortunately,
+Test::More is built on top of Test::Builder which provides a single,
+unified backend for any test library to use.  This means two test
+libraries which both use Test::Builder B<can be used together in the
+same program>.
+=end original
+Test::More のインターフェースが、まったく十分でない時もあります。
+幸運なことに、Test::More は、Test::Builderの上に作られています。
+Test::Builder は、あらゆるテストライブラリーのための、一つの、統合された、バックエンドを提供しています。
+=begin original
+If you simply want to do a little tweaking of how the tests behave,
+you can access the underlying Test::Builder object like so:
+=end original
+=over 4
+=item B<builder>
+    my $test_builder = Test::More->builder;
+=begin original
+Returns the Test::Builder object underlying Test::More for you to play
+=end original
+Test::Moreで遊ぶための、Test::Moreの基礎をなすTest::Builder オブジェクトを
+=head1 EXIT CODES
+=begin original
+If all your tests passed, Test::Builder will exit with zero (which is
+normal).  If anything failed it will exit with how many failed.  If
+you run less (or more) tests than you planned, the missing (or extras)
+will be considered failures.  If no tests were ever run Test::Builder
+will throw a warning and exit with 255.  If the test died, even after
+having successfully completed all its tests, it will still be
+considered a failure and will exit with 255.
+=end original
+すべてのテストがパスしたら、Test::Builderは 0 で終了します(通常です)。
+=begin original
+So the exit codes are...
+=end original
+    0                   すべてのテストが成功
+    255                 テストは死んだか、すべて成功したが、間違っている # of tests run
+    any other number    間違った数(失敗か、余計なものを含む)
+=begin original
+If you fail more than 254 tests, it will be reported as 254.
+=end original
+=begin original
+B<NOTE>  This behavior may go away in future versions.
+=end original
+=head1 警告と注意
+=over 4
+=item 後方互換性
+=begin original
+Test::More works with Perls as old as 5.6.0.
+=end original
+Test::More はPerl 5.6.0で動きます。
+=begin original
+Test::More works with Perls as old as 5.8.1.
+=end original
+Test::Moreは、5.8.1 の古い Perl でも動きます。
+=begin original
+Thread support is not very reliable before 5.10.1, but that's
+because threads are not very reliable before 5.10.1.
+=end original
+5.10.1 より前では、スレッドサポートはあまり信頼できません。しかし、それは、
+threads が5.10.1 より前にあまり信頼でなかったからです。
+=begin original
+Although Test::More has been a core module in versions of Perl since 5.6.2, Test::More has evolved since then, and not all of the features you're used to will be present in the shipped version of Test::More. If you are writing a module, don't forget to indicate in your package metadata the minimum version of Test::More that you require. For instance, if you want to use C<done_testing()> but want your test script to run on Perl 5.10.0, you will need to explicitly require Test::More > 0.88.
+=end original
+Test::More は、Perl 5.6.2 のバージョンからコアモジュールですが、Test::More は、それから進化しています。よく使っている全ての機能が、Test::More のシップされたバージョンに存在するわけではありません。モジュールを書いているなら、パッケージのメタデータで、必要とする Test::More の最小のバージョンを指定していするのを忘れないでください。例えば、C<done_testing()> を使っており、ですが、スクリプトは、Perl 5.10.0 で動かしたいなら、Test::More > 0.88 が必要だと明示しなければなりません。
+=begin original
+Key feature milestones include:
+=end original
+=over 4
+=item subtests
+=begin original
+Subtests were released in Test::More 0.94, which came with Perl 5.12.0. Subtests did not implicitly call C<done_testing()> until 0.96; the first Perl with that fix was Perl 5.14.0 with 0.98.
+=end original
+サブテストは Test::More 0.94 でリリースされました。 Perl 5.12.0 に付属ます。サブテストは、0.96まで、暗黙的に、C<done_testing()>を呼びません; 0.98でされたこの修正がついている最初の Perl は、5.14.0 です。
+=item C<done_testing()>
+=begin original
+This was released in Test::More 0.88 and first shipped with Perl in 5.10.1 as part of Test::More 0.92. 
+=end original
+Test::More 0.88 でリリースされました。Test::More 0.92 は Perl 5.10.1 の一部として付属します。
+=item C<cmp_ok()>
+=begin original
+Although C<cmp_ok()> was introduced in 0.40, 0.86 fixed an important bug to make it safe for overloaded objects; the fixed first shipped with Perl in 5.10.1 as part of Test::More 0.92.
+=end original
+C<cmp_ok()> は、 0.40 で導入されましたが、0.86 で、オーバーロードされたオブジェクトを安全にするための重要なバグが修正されました; Test::More 0.92 の一部として、Perl 5.10.1 で最初にリリースされました。
+=item C<new_ok()> C<note()> and C<explain()>
+=begin original
+These were was released in Test::More 0.82, and first shipped with Perl in 5.10.1 as part of Test::More 0.92. 
+=end original
+これらは、Test::More 0.82 でリリースされました。Test::More 0.92 の一部として、Perl 5.10.1 で最初にリリースされました。
+=begin original
+There is a full version history in the Changes file, and the Test::More versions included as core can be found using L<Module::CoreList>:
+=end original
+変更ファイルの完全なバージョンヒストリーです。また、L<Module::CoreList>を使えば、コアとして含まれた Test::More のバージョンがわかります。
+    $ corelist -a Test::More
+=head1 CAVEATS and NOTES
+=over 4
+=item utf8 / "Wide character in print"
+=begin original
+If you use utf8 or other non-ASCII characters with Test::More you
+might get a "Wide character in print" warning.  Using C<binmode
+STDOUT, ":utf8"> will not fix it.  Test::Builder (which powers
+Test::More) duplicates STDOUT and STDERR.  So any changes to them,
+including changing their output disciplines, will not be seem by
+=end original
+utf8 か non-ASCIIな文字をTest::Moreと一緒に使う場合、
+"Wide character in print"の警告が出るかもしれません。
+C<binmode STDOUT, ":utf8">を使っても、直りません。Test::Builder (
+Test::Moreに力を与えている) STDOUTとSTDERRを複製しています。
+=begin original
+One work around is to apply encodings to STDOUT and STDERR as early
+as possible and before Test::More (or any other Test module) loads.
+=end original
+1つのワークアラウンドは Test::More(か、ほかのTestモジュール)がロードされる前に、
+    use open ':std', ':encoding(utf8)';
+    use Test::More;
+=begin original
+A more direct work around is to change the filehandles used by
+=end original
+    my $builder = Test::More->builder;
+    binmode $builder->output,         ":encoding(utf8)";
+    binmode $builder->failure_output, ":encoding(utf8)";
+    binmode $builder->todo_output,    ":encoding(utf8)";
+=item Overloaded objects
+=begin original
+String overloaded objects are compared B<as strings> (or in cmp_ok()'s
+case, strings or numbers as appropriate to the comparison op).  This
+prevents Test::More from piercing an object's interface allowing
+better blackbox testing.  So if a function starts returning overloaded
+objects instead of bare strings your tests won't notice the
+difference.  This is good.
+=end original
+オーバーロードされたオブジェクトはB<文字列として>(または、 cmp_ok()では、
+=begin original
+However, it does mean that functions like is_deeply() cannot be used to
+test the internals of string overloaded objects.  In this case I would
+suggest L<Test::Deep> which contains more flexible testing functions for
+complex data structures.
+=end original
+=item Threads
+=begin original
+Test::More will only be aware of threads if "use threads" has been done
+I<before> Test::More is loaded.  This is ok:
+=end original
+Test::Moreは、Test::Moreがロードされる前に、"use threads"がされている場合、
+スレッドを意識します。次は ok です:
+    use threads;
+    use Test::More;
+=begin original
+This may cause problems:
+=end original
+    use Test::More
+    use threads;
+=begin original
+5.8.1 and above are supported.  Anything below that has too many bugs.
+=end original
+5.8.1 以上を想定しています。それ未満のバージョンは、多くのバグがあります。
+=head1 HISTORY
+=begin original
+This is a case of convergent evolution with Joshua Pritikin's Test
+module.  I was largely unaware of its existence when I'd first
+written my own ok() routines.  This module exists because I can't
+figure out how to easily wedge test names into Test's interface (along
+with a few other problems).
+=end original
+これは、Joshua Pritikin のテストモジュールをまとめて進化させたものです。
+=begin original
+The goal here is to have a testing utility that's simple to learn,
+quick to use and difficult to trip yourself up with while still
+providing more flexibility than the existing Test.pm.  As such, the
+names of the most common routines are kept tiny, special cases and
+magic side-effects are kept to a minimum.  WYSIWYG.
+=end original
+WYSIWYG(訳註:what you see is what you get)。
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=begin original
+L<Test::Simple> if all this confuses you and you just want to write
+some tests.  You can upgrade to Test::More later (it's forward
+=end original
+L<Test::Simple> もし、Test::Moreがまったく混乱させるだけのものであり、
+(Test::More は、上位互換性があります)。
+=begin original
+L<Test::Harness> is the test runner and output interpreter for Perl.
+It's the thing that powers C<make test> and where the C<prove> utility
+comes from.
+=end original
+C<make test>に力を与えているものであり、C<prove>ユーティリティが
+=begin original
+L<Test::Legacy> tests written with Test.pm, the original testing
+module, do not play well with other testing libraries.  Test::Legacy
+emulates the Test.pm interface and does play well with others.
+=end original
+=begin original
+L<Test::Differences> for more ways to test complex data structures.
+And it plays well with Test::More.
+=end original
+L<Test::Differences> 複雑なデータ構造をテストするためのより多くの方法のために。
+L<Test::Class> is like xUnit but more perlish.
+L<Test::Class> は、xUnitに似ていますが、より perlっぽいです。
+L<Test::Deep> gives you more powerful complex data structure testing.
+L<Test::Deep> は、より協力で複雑なデータ構造のテストができます。
+L<Test::Inline> shows the idea of embedded testing.
+L<Bundle::Test> installs a whole bunch of useful test modules.
+L<Bundle::Test> は、便利なテストもジュールを全部インストールします。
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Michael G Schwern E<lt>schwe****@pobox*****<gt> with much inspiration
+from Joshua Pritikin's Test module and lots of help from Barrie
+Slaymaker, Tony Bowden, blackstar.co.uk, chromatic, Fergal Daly and
+the perl-qa gang.
+=head1 BUGS
+See F<http://rt.cpan.org> to report and view bugs.
+=head1 SOURCE
+The source code repository for Test::More can be found at
+Copyright 2001-2008 by Michael G Schwern E<lt>schwe****@pobox*****<gt>.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+See F<http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html>
Index: docs/modules/Test-Simple-0.99/lib/Test/Simple.pod
diff -u /dev/null docs/modules/Test-Simple-0.99/lib/Test/Simple.pod:1.1
--- /dev/null	Sun Nov 10 14:17:31 2013
+++ docs/modules/Test-Simple-0.99/lib/Test/Simple.pod	Sun Nov 10 14:17:31 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+=encoding utf8
+=head1 NAME
+=begin original
+Test::Simple - Basic utilities for writing tests.
+=end original
+Test::Simple - テストを書くための基本的なユーティリティ
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+  use Test::Simple tests => 1;
+  ok( $foo eq $bar, 'foo is bar' );
+=begin original
+** If you are unfamiliar with testing B<read Test::Tutorial> first! **
+=end original
+** テストに馴染がないなら、まず、B<Test::Tutorialを読んで下さい>! **
+=begin original
+This is an extremely simple, extremely basic module for writing tests
+suitable for CPAN modules and other pursuits.  If you wish to do more
+complicated testing, use the Test::More module (a drop-in replacement
+for this one).
+=end original
+=begin original
+The basic unit of Perl testing is the ok.  For each thing you want to
+test your program will print out an "ok" or "not ok" to indicate pass
+or fail.  You do this with the ok() function (see below).
+=end original
+プログラムは、「ok」か、「not ok」を出力し、合格したか、失敗したかを示します。
+=begin original
+The only other constraint is you must pre-declare how many tests you
+plan to run.  This is in case something goes horribly wrong during the
+test and your test program aborts, or skips a test or whatever.  You
+do this like so:
+=end original
+    use Test::Simple tests => 23;
+=begin original
+You must have a plan.
+=end original
+=over 4
+=item B<ok>
+  ok( $foo eq $bar, $name );
+  ok( $foo eq $bar );
+=begin original
+ok() is given an expression (in this case C<$foo eq $bar>).  If it's
+true, the test passed.  If it's false, it didn't.  That's about it.
+=end original
+ok() には式が与えられています(この場合、C<$foo eq $bar>)。
+与えられた式が、真なら、テストは合格です。 与えられた式が、偽なら、合格ではありません。 
+=begin original
+ok() prints out either "ok" or "not ok" along with a test number (it
+keeps track of that for you).
+=end original
+ok() は、テストの番号と一緒に、「ok」か「not ok」のどちらかを出力します
+  # This produces "ok 1 - Hell not yet frozen over" (or not ok)
+  ok( get_temperature($hell) > 0, 'Hell not yet frozen over' );
+=begin original
+If you provide a $name, that will be printed along with the "ok/not
+ok" to make it easier to find your test when if fails (just search for
+the name).  It also makes it easier for the next guy to understand
+what your test is for.  It's highly recommended you use test names.
+=end original
+もし、$nameを引数に与えるなら、$nameは、「ok/not ok」と一緒に出力され、
+=begin original
+All tests are run in scalar context.  So this:
+=end original
+    ok( @stuff, 'I have some stuff' );
+=begin original
+will do what you mean (fail if stuff is empty)
+=end original
+=begin original
+Test::Simple will start by printing number of tests run in the form
+"1..M" (so "1..5" means you're going to run 5 tests).  This strange
+format lets Test::Harness know how many tests you plan on running in
+case something goes horribly wrong.
+=end original
+Test::Simple は、「1..M」と言う形式で、テストの動く番号をプリントすることで、
+=begin original
+If all your tests passed, Test::Simple will exit with zero (which is
+normal).  If anything failed it will exit with how many failed.  If
+you run less (or more) tests than you planned, the missing (or extras)
+will be considered failures.  If no tests were ever run Test::Simple
+will throw a warning and exit with 255.  If the test died, even after
+having successfully completed all its tests, it will still be
+considered a failure and will exit with 255.
+=end original
+=begin original
+So the exit codes are...
+=end original
+    0                   全てのテストが成功
+    255                 テストが死んだか全部通ったが何かおかしい # テストの実行について
+    any other number    いくつ失敗したか(足りないもの、余計なものを含む)
+=begin original
+If you fail more than 254 tests, it will be reported as 254.
+=end original
+=begin original
+This module is by no means trying to be a complete testing system.
+It's just to get you started.  Once you're off the ground its
+recommended you look at L<Test::More>.
+=end original
+=head1 EXAMPLE
+=begin original
+Here's an example of a simple .t file for the fictional Film module.
+=end original
+架空のFilmモジュールのための簡単な、.t ファイルの例をあげます。
+    use Test::Simple tests => 5;
+    use Film;  # What you're testing.
+    my $btaste = Film->new({ Title    => 'Bad Taste',
+                             Director => 'Peter Jackson',
+                             Rating   => 'R',
+                             NumExplodingSheep => 1
+                           });
+    ok( defined($btaste) && ref $btaste eq 'Film',     'new() works' );
+    ok( $btaste->Title      eq 'Bad Taste',     'Title() get'    );
+    ok( $btaste->Director   eq 'Peter Jackson', 'Director() get' );
+    ok( $btaste->Rating     eq 'R',             'Rating() get'   );
+    ok( $btaste->NumExplodingSheep == 1,        'NumExplodingSheep() get' );
+=begin original
+It will produce output like this:
+=end original
+    1..5
+    ok 1 - new() works
+    ok 2 - Title() get
+    ok 3 - Director() get
+    not ok 4 - Rating() get
+    #   Failed test 'Rating() get'
+    #   in t/film.t at line 14.
+    ok 5 - NumExplodingSheep() get
+    # Looks like you failed 1 tests of 5
+=begin original
+Indicating the Film::Rating() method is broken.
+=end original
+=head1 CAVEATS
+=begin original
+Test::Simple will only report a maximum of 254 failures in its exit
+code.  If this is a problem, you probably have a huge test script.
+Split it into multiple files.  (Otherwise blame the Unix folks for
+using an unsigned short integer as the exit status).
+=end original
+=begin original
+Because VMS's exit codes are much, much different than the rest of the
+universe, and perl does horrible mangling to them that gets in my way,
+it works like this on VMS.
+=end original
+    0     SS$_NORMAL        全てのテストは成功
+    4     SS$_ABORT         何かが間違っています
+=begin original
+Unfortunately, I can't differentiate any further.
+=end original
+=head1 NOTES
+=begin original
+Test::Simple is B<explicitly> tested all the way back to perl 5.6.0.
+=end original
+Test::Simpleは、perl 5.6.0 まで、B<はっきりと>テストされます。
+=begin original
+Test::Simple is thread-safe in perl 5.8.1 and up.
+=end original
+Test::Simple は、perl  5.8.1 以上で、スレッドセーフです。
+=head1 HISTORY
+=begin original
+This module was conceived while talking with Tony Bowden in his
+kitchen one night about the problems I was having writing some really
+complicated feature into the new Testing module.  He observed that the
+main problem is not dealing with these edge cases but that people hate
+to write tests B<at all>.  What was needed was a dead simple module
+that took all the hard work out of testing and was really, really easy
+to learn.  Paul Johnson simultaneously had this idea (unfortunately,
+he wasn't in Tony's kitchen).  This is it.
+=end original
+このモジュールは、ある夜、Tony Bowden と一緒に、彼の家のキッチンで、
+全く簡単なモジュールでした。Paul Johnsonは、同時にこのアイディアを持っていました(が、不幸なことに、かれは、Tonyのキッチンにいなかった)。
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=over 4
+=item L<Test::More>
+=begin original
+More testing functions!  Once you outgrow Test::Simple, look at
+Test::More.  Test::Simple is 100% forward compatible with Test::More
+(i.e. you can just use Test::More instead of Test::Simple in your
+programs and things will still work).
+=end original
+=item L<Test>
+=item L<Test::Unit>
+=item L<Test::Inline>, L<SelfTest>
+=item L<Test::Harness>
+=begin original
+Look in Test::More's SEE ALSO for more testing modules.
+=end original
+Test::Moreの SEE ALSO には、より多くのテストモジュールがあります。
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Idea by Tony Bowden and Paul Johnson, code by Michael G Schwern
+E<lt>schwe****@pobox*****<gt>, wardrobe by Calvin Klein.
+Copyright 2001-2008 by Michael G Schwern E<lt>schwe****@pobox*****<gt>.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
+modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+See F<http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html>
Index: docs/modules/Test-Simple-0.99/lib/Test/Tutorial.pod
diff -u /dev/null docs/modules/Test-Simple-0.99/lib/Test/Tutorial.pod:1.1
--- /dev/null	Sun Nov 10 14:17:31 2013
+++ docs/modules/Test-Simple-0.99/lib/Test/Tutorial.pod	Sun Nov 10 14:17:31 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,1131 @@
+=encoding utf8
+=head1 NAME
+=begin original
+Test::Tutorial - A tutorial about writing really basic tests
+=end original
+Test::Tutorial - ごく基本的なテストを書くことについてのチュートリアル
+=begin original
+I<AHHHHHHH!!!!  NOT TESTING!  Anything but testing!
+Beat me, whip me, send me to Detroit, but don't make
+me write tests!>
+=end original
+I<あーーーーー!!!!テストは嫌! 何をおいてもテストは嫌!
+=begin original
+=end original
+=begin original
+I<Besides, I don't know how to write the damned things.>
+=end original
+=begin original
+Is this you?  Is writing tests right up there with writing
+documentation and having your fingernails pulled out?  Did you open up
+a test and read
+=end original
+=begin original
+    ######## We start with some black magic
+=end original
+    ######## いくつかの黒魔術を始めます。
+=begin original
+and decide that's quite enough for you?
+=end original
+=begin original
+It's ok.  That's all gone now.  We've done all the black magic for
+you.  And here are the tricks...
+=end original
+=head2 Nuts and bolts of testing.
+=begin original
+Here's the most basic test program.
+=end original
+    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
+    print "1..1\n";
+    print 1 + 1 == 2 ? "ok 1\n" : "not ok 1\n";
+=begin original
+Because 1 + 1 is 2, it prints:
+=end original
+1 + 1 は 2ですから、次のように表示します:
+    1..1
+    ok 1
+=begin original
+What this says is: C<1..1> "I'm going to run one test." [1] C<ok 1>
+"The first test passed".  And that's about all magic there is to
+testing.  Your basic unit of testing is the I<ok>.  For each thing you
+test, an C<ok> is printed.  Simple.  L<Test::Harness> interprets your test
+results to determine if you succeeded or failed (more on that later).
+=end original
+このコードの意味: C<1..1>[1]「一つのテストを行います。」C<ok 1>「最初のテストはパスしました」。 
+=begin original
+Writing all these print statements rapidly gets tedious.  Fortunately,
+there's L<Test::Simple>.  It has one function, C<ok()>.
+=end original
+    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
+    use Test::Simple tests => 1;
+    ok( 1 + 1 == 2 );
+=begin original
+That does the same thing as the previous code.  C<ok()> is the backbone
+of Perl testing, and we'll be using it instead of roll-your-own from
+here on.  If C<ok()> gets a true value, the test passes.  False, it
+=end original
+C<ok()> が真を返せば、テストは合格です。偽であれば、失敗です.
+    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
+    use Test::Simple tests => 2;
+    ok( 1 + 1 == 2 );
+    ok( 2 + 2 == 5 );
+=begin original
+From that comes:
+=end original
+    1..2
+    ok 1
+    not ok 2
+    #     Failed test (test.pl at line 5)
+    # Looks like you failed 1 tests of 2.
+=begin original
+C<1..2> "I'm going to run two tests."  This number is a I<plan>. It helps to
+ensure your test program ran all the way through and didn't die or skip some
+tests.  C<ok 1> "The first test passed."  C<not ok 2> "The second test failed".
+Test::Simple helpfully prints out some extra commentary about your tests.
+=end original
+C<1..2> 「二つのテストを行います」
+C<ok 1>「最初のテストはパスしました。」 C<not ok 2> 「2番目のテストは失敗しました」。
+Test::Simple はテストについての有用な特別のコメントを出力します。
+=begin original
+It's not scary.  Come, hold my hand.  We're going to give an example
+of testing a module.  For our example, we'll be testing a date
+library, L<Date::ICal>.  It's on CPAN, so download a copy and follow
+along. [2]
+=end original
+その例に、日付のライブラリである、B<Date::ICal> をテストします。
+=head2 Where to start?
+=begin original
+This is the hardest part of testing, where do you start?  People often get
+overwhelmed at the apparent enormity of the task of testing a whole module.
+The best place to start is at the beginning.  C<Date::ICal> is an
+object-oriented module, and that means you start by making an object.  Test
+=end original
+C<Date::ICal> は、オブジェクト指向のモジュールです。ですから、オブジェクトを作ることからはじめればいい。
+    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
+    # assume these two lines are in all subsequent examples
+    use strict;
+    use warnings;
+    use Test::Simple tests => 2;
+    use Date::ICal;
+    my $ical = Date::ICal->new;         # オブジェクトを作成し
+    ok( defined $ical );                # 何かを得たかをテストし
+    ok( $ical->isa('Date::ICal') );     # そして、正しいクラスかテストします
+=begin original
+Run that and you should get:
+=end original
+    1..2
+    ok 1
+    ok 2
+=begin original
+Congratulations! You've written your first useful test.
+=end original
+おめでとう! 最初の有益なテストが書けました。
+=head2 Names
+=begin original
+That output isn't terribly descriptive, is it?  When you have two tests you can
+figure out which one is #2, but what if you have 102 tests?
+=end original
+=begin original
+Each test can be given a little descriptive name as the second
+argument to C<ok()>.
+=end original
+    use Test::Simple tests => 2;
+    ok( defined $ical,              'new() returned something' );
+    ok( $ical->isa('Date::ICal'),   "  and it's the right class" );
+=begin original
+Now you'll see:
+=end original
+    1..2
+    ok 1 - new() returned something
+    ok 2 -   and it's the right class
+=head2 Test the manual
+=begin original
+The simplest way to build up a decent testing suite is to just test what
+the manual says it does. [3] Let's pull something out of the
+L<Date::ICal/SYNOPSIS> and test that all its bits work.
+=end original
+    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
+    use Test::Simple tests => 8;
+    use Date::ICal;
+    $ical = Date::ICal->new( year => 1964, month => 10, day => 16,
+                             hour => 16,   min   => 12, sec => 47,
+                             tz   => '0530' );
+    ok( defined $ical,            'new() returned something' );
+    ok( $ical->isa('Date::ICal'), "  and it's the right class" );
+    ok( $ical->sec   == 47,       '  sec()'   );
+    ok( $ical->min   == 12,       '  min()'   );
+    ok( $ical->hour  == 16,       '  hour()'  );
+    ok( $ical->day   == 17,       '  day()'   );
+    ok( $ical->month == 10,       '  month()' );
+    ok( $ical->year  == 1964,     '  year()'  );
+=begin original
+Run that and you get:
+=end original
+    1..8
+    ok 1 - new() returned something
+    ok 2 -   and it's the right class
+    ok 3 -   sec()
+    ok 4 -   min()
+    ok 5 -   hour()
+    not ok 6 -   day()
+    #     Failed test (- at line 16)
+    ok 7 -   month()
+    ok 8 -   year()
+    # Looks like you failed 1 tests of 8.
+=begin original
+Whoops, a failure! [4] C<Test::Simple> helpfully lets us know on what line the
+failure occurred, but not much else.  We were supposed to get 17, but we
+didn't.  What did we get??  Dunno.  You could re-run the test in the debugger
+or throw in some print statements to find out.
+=end original
+おーっと、失敗![4] C<Test::Simple>は、役に立つことに、何行目で失敗したのかを知らせてくれます。
+=begin original
+Instead, switch from L<Test::Simple> to L<Test::More>.  C<Test::More>
+does everything C<Test::Simple> does, and more!  In fact, C<Test::More> does
+things I<exactly> the way C<Test::Simple> does.  You can literally swap
+C<Test::Simple> out and put C<Test::More> in its place.  That's just what
+we're going to do.
+=end original
+C<Test::More> は、 C<Test::Simple>の行う全てのことを行えるし、もっと行えます!
+=begin original
+C<Test::More> does more than C<Test::Simple>.  The most important difference at
+this point is it provides more informative ways to say "ok".  Although you can
+write almost any test with a generic C<ok()>, it can't tell you what went
+wrong.  The C<is()> function lets us declare that something is supposed to be
+the same as something else:
+=end original
+C<Test::More> は、C<Test::Simple>より、働きます。最も重要な違いは、
+    use Test::More tests => 8;
+    use Date::ICal;
+    $ical = Date::ICal->new( year => 1964, month => 10, day => 16,
+                             hour => 16,   min   => 12, sec => 47,
+                             tz   => '0530' );
+    ok( defined $ical,            'new() returned something' );
+    ok( $ical->isa('Date::ICal'), "  and it's the right class" );
+    is( $ical->sec,     47,       '  sec()'   );
+    is( $ical->min,     12,       '  min()'   );
+    is( $ical->hour,    16,       '  hour()'  );
+    is( $ical->day,     17,       '  day()'   );
+    is( $ical->month,   10,       '  month()' );
+    is( $ical->year,    1964,     '  year()'  );
+=begin original
+"Is C<$ical-E<gt>sec> 47?"  "Is C<$ical-E<gt>min> 12?"  With C<is()> in place,
+you get more information:
+=end original
+"C<$ical-E<gt>sec> は 47?"  "C<$ical-E<gt>min> は 12?"  代わりに、C<is()>を使うことで、
+    1..8
+    ok 1 - new() returned something
+    ok 2 -   and it's the right class
+    ok 3 -   sec()
+    ok 4 -   min()
+    ok 5 -   hour()
+    not ok 6 -   day()
+    #     Failed test (- at line 16)
+    #          got: '16'
+    #     expected: '17'
+    ok 7 -   month()
+    ok 8 -   year()
+    # Looks like you failed 1 tests of 8.
+=begin original
+Aha. C<$ical-E<gt>day> returned 16, but we expected 17.  A
+quick check shows that the code is working fine, we made a mistake
+when writing the tests.  Change it to:
+=end original
+    is( $ical->day,     16,       '  day()'   );
+=begin original
+... and everything works.
+=end original
+... これで、全部動きます。
+=begin original
+Any time you're doing a "this equals that" sort of test, use C<is()>.
+It even works on arrays.  The test is always in scalar context, so you
+can test how many elements are in an array this way. [5]
+=end original
+    is( @foo, 5, 'foo has 5 elements' );
+=head2 Sometimes the tests are wrong
+=begin original
+This brings up a very important lesson.  Code has bugs.  Tests are
+code.  Ergo, tests have bugs.  A failing test could mean a bug in the
+code, but don't discount the possibility that the test is wrong.
+=end original
+=begin original
+On the flip side, don't be tempted to prematurely declare a test
+incorrect just because you're having trouble finding the bug.
+Invalidating a test isn't something to be taken lightly, and don't use
+it as a cop out to avoid work.
+=end original
+=head2 Testing lots of values
+=begin original
+We're going to be wanting to test a lot of dates here, trying to trick
+the code with lots of different edge cases.  Does it work before 1970?
+After 2038?  Before 1904?  Do years after 10,000 give it trouble?
+Does it get leap years right?  We could keep repeating the code above,
+or we could set up a little try/expect loop.
+=end original
+    use Test::More tests => 32;
+    use Date::ICal;
+    my %ICal_Dates = (
+            # An ICal string     And the year, month, day
+            #                    hour, minute and second we expect.
+            '19971024T120000' =>    # from the docs.
+                                [ 1997, 10, 24, 12,  0,  0 ],
+            '20390123T232832' =>    # after the Unix epoch
+                                [ 2039,  1, 23, 23, 28, 32 ],
+            '19671225T000000' =>    # before the Unix epoch
+                                [ 1967, 12, 25,  0,  0,  0 ],
+            '18990505T232323' =>    # before the MacOS epoch
+                                [ 1899,  5,  5, 23, 23, 23 ],
+    );
+    while( my($ical_str, $expect) = each %ICal_Dates ) {
+        my $ical = Date::ICal->new( ical => $ical_str );
+        ok( defined $ical,            "new(ical => '$ical_str')" );
+        ok( $ical->isa('Date::ICal'), "  and it's the right class" );
+        is( $ical->year,    $expect->[0],     '  year()'  );
+        is( $ical->month,   $expect->[1],     '  month()' );
+        is( $ical->day,     $expect->[2],     '  day()'   );
+        is( $ical->hour,    $expect->[3],     '  hour()'  );
+        is( $ical->min,     $expect->[4],     '  min()'   );
+        is( $ical->sec,     $expect->[5],     '  sec()'   );
+    }
+=begin original
+Now we can test bunches of dates by just adding them to
+C<%ICal_Dates>.  Now that it's less work to test with more dates, you'll
+be inclined to just throw more in as you think of them.
+Only problem is, every time we add to that we have to keep adjusting
+the C<use Test::More tests =E<gt> ##> line.  That can rapidly get
+annoying.  There are ways to make this work better.
+=end original
+唯一の問題は、毎回、C<use Test::More tests =E<gt> ##> の行を、調節しなければならない事です。
+=begin original
+First, we can calculate the plan dynamically using the C<plan()>
+=end original
+    use Test::More;
+    use Date::ICal;
+    my %ICal_Dates = (
+        ...same as before...
+    );
+    # For each key in the hash we're running 8 tests.
+    plan tests => keys(%ICal_Dates) * 8;
+    ...and then your tests...
+=begin original
+To be even more flexible, use C<done_testing>.  This means we're just
+running some tests, don't know how many. [6]
+=end original
+よりフレキシブルに、C<done_testing> を使います。これにより、
+    use Test::More;   # instead of tests => 32
+    ... # tests here
+    done_testing();   # reached the end safely
+=begin original
+If you don't specify a plan, C<Test::More> expects to see C<done_testing()>
+before your program exits. It will warn you if you forget it. You can give
+C<done_testing()> an optional number of tests you expected to run, and if the
+number ran differs, C<Test::More> will give you another kind of warning.
+=end original
+=head2 Informative names
+=begin original
+Take a look at the line:
+=end original
+    ok( defined $ical,            "new(ical => '$ical_str')" );
+=begin original
+We've added more detail about what we're testing and the ICal string
+itself we're trying out to the name.  So you get results like:
+=end original
+テストしていることと、テストしている ICal ストリング自身の詳細を、名前に加えます。
+    ok 25 - new(ical => '19971024T120000')
+    ok 26 -   and it's the right class
+    ok 27 -   year()
+    ok 28 -   month()
+    ok 29 -   day()
+    ok 30 -   hour()
+    ok 31 -   min()
+    ok 32 -   sec()
+=begin original
+If something in there fails, you'll know which one it was and that
+will make tracking down the problem easier.  Try to put a bit of
+debugging information into the test names.
+=end original
+=begin original
+Describe what the tests test, to make debugging a failed test easier
+for you or for the next person who runs your test.
+=end original
+=head2 Skipping tests
+=begin original
+Poking around in the existing Date::ICal tests, I found this in
+F<t/01sanity.t> [7]
+=end original
+Date::ICal で用意されているテストを探し回って、F<t/01sanity.t>に、次のものを見つけました[7]。
+    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
+    use Test::More tests => 7;
+    use Date::ICal;
+    # Make sure epoch time is being handled sanely.
+    my $t1 = Date::ICal->new( epoch => 0 );
+    is( $t1->epoch, 0,          "Epoch time of 0" );
+    # XXX This will only work on unix systems.
+    is( $t1->ical, '19700101Z', "  epoch to ical" );
+    is( $t1->year,  1970,       "  year()"  );
+    is( $t1->month, 1,          "  month()" );
+    is( $t1->day,   1,          "  day()"   );
+    # like the tests above, but starting with ical instead of epoch
+    my $t2 = Date::ICal->new( ical => '19700101Z' );
+    is( $t2->ical, '19700101Z', "Start of epoch in ICal notation" );
+    is( $t2->epoch, 0,          "  and back to ICal" );
+=begin original
+The beginning of the epoch is different on most non-Unix operating systems [8].
+Even though Perl smooths out the differences for the most part, certain ports
+do it differently.  MacPerl is one off the top of my head. [9]  Rather than
+putting a comment in the test and hoping someone will read the test while
+debugging the failure, we can explicitly say it's never going to work and skip
+the test.
+=end original
+たいていの非UNIX OS では、エポックの始まりが異なっています[8]。
+    use Test::More tests => 7;
+    use Date::ICal;
+    # Make sure epoch time is being handled sanely.
+    my $t1 = Date::ICal->new( epoch => 0 );
+    is( $t1->epoch, 0,          "Epoch time of 0" );
+    SKIP: {
+        skip('epoch to ICal not working on Mac OS', 6)
+            if $^O eq 'MacOS';
+        is( $t1->ical, '19700101Z', "  epoch to ical" );
+        is( $t1->year,  1970,       "  year()"  );
+        is( $t1->month, 1,          "  month()" );
+        is( $t1->day,   1,          "  day()"   );
+        # like the tests above, but starting with ical instead of epoch
+        my $t2 = Date::ICal->new( ical => '19700101Z' );
+        is( $t2->ical, '19700101Z', "Start of epoch in ICal notation" );
+        is( $t2->epoch, 0,          "  and back to ICal" );
+    }
+=begin original
+A little bit of magic happens here.  When running on anything but MacOS, all
+the tests run normally.  But when on MacOS, C<skip()> causes the entire
+contents of the SKIP block to be jumped over.  It never runs.  Instead,
+C<skip()> prints special output that tells C<Test::Harness> that the tests have
+been skipped.
+=end original
+かわりに、C<skip()>はテストがスキップされていることをTest::Harness に伝える特別な出力をプリントします。
+    1..7
+    ok 1 - Epoch time of 0
+    ok 2 # skip epoch to ICal not working on MacOS
+    ok 3 # skip epoch to ICal not working on MacOS
+    ok 4 # skip epoch to ICal not working on MacOS
+    ok 5 # skip epoch to ICal not working on MacOS
+    ok 6 # skip epoch to ICal not working on MacOS
+    ok 7 # skip epoch to ICal not working on MacOS
+=begin original
+This means your tests won't fail on MacOS.  This means fewer emails
+from MacPerl users telling you about failing tests that you know will
+never work.  You've got to be careful with skip tests.  These are for
+tests which don't work and I<never will>.  It is not for skipping
+genuine bugs (we'll get to that in a moment).
+=end original
+=begin original
+The tests are wholly and completely skipped. [10]  This will work.
+=end original
+    SKIP: {
+        skip("I don't wanna die!");
+        die, die, die, die, die;
+    }
+=head2 Todo tests
+(ToDo テスト)
+=begin original
+While thumbing through the C<Date::ICal> man page, I came across this:
+=end original
+   ical
+       $ical_string = $ical->ical;
+   オブジェクトの日付の取得、または、セット。
+   すべての妥当な ICal date/time 文字列を使って、オブジェクトに日付をセットする。
+=begin original
+"Retrieves or sets".  Hmmm. I didn't see a test for using C<ical()> to set
+the date in the Date::ICal test suite.  So I wrote one:
+=end original
+「取得またはセット」。ふむ、Date::ICalのテストで、日付をセットするC<ical()> を使うテストを見ませんでした。
+    use Test::More tests => 1;
+    use Date::ICal;
+    my $ical = Date::ICal->new;
+    $ical->ical('20201231Z');
+    is( $ical->ical, '20201231Z',   'Setting via ical()' );
+=begin original
+Run that. I saw:
+=end original
+    1..1
+    not ok 1 - Setting via ical()
+    #     Failed test (- at line 6)
+    #          got: '20010814T233649Z'
+    #     expected: '20201231Z'
+    # Looks like you failed 1 tests of 1.
+=begin original
+Whoops!  Looks like it's unimplemented.  Assume you don't have the time to fix
+this. [11] Normally, you'd just comment out the test and put a note in a todo
+list somewhere.  Instead, explicitly state "this test will fail" by wrapping it
+in a C<TODO> block:
+=end original
+おーっと! 実行されないようだ。さて、これを修正する時間がないと想定しましょう。[11]
+    use Test::More tests => 1;
+    TODO: {
+        local $TODO = 'ical($ical) not yet implemented';
+        my $ical = Date::ICal->new;
+        $ical->ical('20201231Z');
+        is( $ical->ical, '20201231Z',   'Setting via ical()' );
+    }
+=begin original
+Now when you run, it's a little different:
+=end original
+    1..1
+    not ok 1 - Setting via ical() # TODO ical($ical) not yet implemented
+    #          got: '20010822T201551Z'
+    #     expected: '20201231Z'
+=begin original
+C<Test::More> doesn't say "Looks like you failed 1 tests of 1".  That '#
+TODO' tells C<Test::Harness> "this is supposed to fail" and it treats a
+failure as a successful test.  You can write tests even before
+you've fixed the underlying code.
+=end original
+この「# TODO」は、C<Test::Harness> に「これは、失敗すると思われる」と伝え、
+=begin original
+If a TODO test passes, C<Test::Harness> will report it "UNEXPECTEDLY
+SUCCEEDED".  When that happens, remove the TODO block with C<local $TODO> and
+turn it into a real test.
+=end original
+もし、TODOテストがパスすると、Test::Harness は、テストが、「思いがけず成功した」と報告します。
+これが起きれば、C<local $TODO>でTODOブロックを外して、本当のテストに変えれば良いでしょう。
+=head2 Testing with taint mode.
+=begin original
+Taint mode is a funny thing.  It's the globalest of all global
+features.  Once you turn it on, it affects I<all> code in your program
+and I<all> modules used (and all the modules they use).  If a single
+piece of code isn't taint clean, the whole thing explodes.  With that
+in mind, it's very important to ensure your module works under taint
+=end original
+=begin original
+It's very simple to have your tests run under taint mode.  Just throw
+a C<-T> into the C<#!> line.  C<Test::Harness> will read the switches
+in C<#!> and use them to run your tests.
+=end original
+C<#!>行に、C<-T>を投げるだけです。C<Test::Harness> は、
+C<#!> 行のスイッチを読み、テストでそのスイッチを使います。
+    #!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
+    ...test normally here...
+=begin original
+When you say C<make test> it will run with taint mode on.
+=end original
+C<make test>をすると、テストは汚染モードと警告を有効にして走るでしょう。
+=over 4
+=item 1
+=begin original
+The first number doesn't really mean anything, but it has to be 1.
+It's the second number that's important.
+=end original
+=item 2
+=begin original
+For those following along at home, I'm using version 1.31.  It has
+some bugs, which is good -- we'll uncover them with our tests.
+=end original
+大丈夫です -- テストでバグを明らかにしましょう。
+=item 3
+=begin original
+You can actually take this one step further and test the manual
+itself.  Have a look at L<Test::Inline> (formerly L<Pod::Tests>).
+=end original
+L<Test::Inline>を見なさい。 (以前の L<Pod::Tests>)
+=item 4
+=begin original
+Yes, there's a mistake in the test suite.  What!  Me, contrived?
+=end original
+このテストには、間違いがあります。何! 私が、仕組んだって?
+=item 5
+=begin original
+We'll get to testing the contents of lists later.
+=end original
+=item 6
+=begin original
+But what happens if your test program dies halfway through?!  Since we
+didn't say how many tests we're going to run, how can we know it
+failed?  No problem, C<Test::More> employs some magic to catch that death
+and turn the test into a failure, even if every test passed up to that
+=end original
+=item 7
+=begin original
+I cleaned it up a little.
+=end original
+=item 8
+=begin original
+Most Operating Systems record time as the number of seconds since a
+certain date.  This date is the beginning of the epoch.  Unix's starts
+at midnight January 1st, 1970 GMT.
+=end original
+=item 9
+=begin original
+MacOS's epoch is midnight January 1st, 1904.  VMS's is midnight,
+November 17th, 1858, but vmsperl emulates the Unix epoch so it's not a
+=end original
+=item 10
+=begin original
+As long as the code inside the SKIP block at least compiles.  Please
+don't ask how.  No, it's not a filter.
+=end original
+=item 11
+=begin original
+Do NOT be tempted to use TODO tests as a way to avoid fixing simple
+=end original
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Michael G Schwern E<lt>schwe****@pobox*****<gt> and the perl-qa dancers!
+Copyright 2001 by Michael G Schwern E<lt>schwe****@pobox*****<gt>.
+This documentation is free; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the same terms as Perl itself.
+Irrespective of its distribution, all code examples in these files
+are hereby placed into the public domain.  You are permitted and
+encouraged to use this code in your own programs for fun
+or for profit as you see fit.  A simple comment in the code giving
+credit would be courteous but is not required.

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